Trove of alternative religion & spirituality articles

Check out the intriguing article titles by Dr. Míceál Ledwith.  Click the link above to access them.

     •     God AS Verb
 •     Atheism: Humanity’s Loss
     •     What Did the Resurrection of Jesus Really Mean?
     •     Absorbing the Ocean into the Drop
     •     Reversing the Law of Cause and Effect
     •     POISONED PRAYER: The Tragic Effect of Not Reversing the Law of Cause and Effect”

     •     Empowering What it is we Oppose
     •     The Lust for Gods
     •     Hating God in Secret
     •     God Does Not Want Us to be Rich    

     •     In Search of a Greater God, I.
 •     In Search of a Greater God, Part II.
     •     The Corruption of the Scripture Texts 
    •     Veiled to the Western Mind
     •     The God’s of Men, the Real Teaching of Jesus Towards Women, I.
     •     Hatred of the Way God Made Us: Jesus and Mary Magdalene. THE GODS OF MEN, III.
   •     How Can Little Green Men be made in the Image of God?
     •     The Enigma of Mary Magdalene  
  •     The Wino and The Master

Access all of the above articles from this page:

Christ as Magician connected to Isis, Hermes, Athena

'By Christ the Magician' the Jesus Bowl is inscribed

Earliest Reference Describes Christ as ‘Magician’

Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News


Oct. 1, 2008 — A team of scientists led by renowned French marine archaeologist Franck Goddio recently announced that they have found a bowl, dating to between the late 2nd century B.C. and the early 1st century A.D., that is engraved with what they believe could be the world’s first known reference to Christ.

If the word “Christ” refers to the Biblical Jesus Christ, as is speculated, then the discovery may provide evidence that Christianity and paganism at times intertwined in the ancient world.

The full engraving on the bowl reads, “DIA CHRSTOU O GOISTAIS,” which has been interpreted by the excavation team to mean either, “by Christ the magician” or, “the magician by Christ.”

“It could very well be a reference to Jesus Christ, in that he was once the primary exponent of white magic,” Goddio, co-founder of the Oxford Center of Maritime Archaeology, said.

He and his colleagues found the object during an excavation of the underwater ruins of Alexandria’s ancient great harbor. The Egyptian site also includes the now submerged island of Antirhodos, where Cleopatra’s palace may have been located.

Both Goddio and Egyptologist David Fabre, a member of the European Institute of Submarine Archaeology, think a “magus” could have practiced fortune telling rituals using the bowl. The Book of Matthew refers to “wisemen,” or Magi, believed to have been prevalent in the ancient world.

According to Fabre, the bowl is also very similar to one depicted in two early Egyptian earthenware statuettes that are thought to show a soothsaying ritual.

“It has been known in Mesopotamia probably since the 3rd millennium B.C.,” Fabre said. “The soothsayer interprets the forms taken by the oil poured into a cup of water in an interpretation guided by manuals.”

He added that the individual, or “medium,” then goes into a hallucinatory trance when studying the oil in the cup.

“They therefore see the divinities, or supernatural beings appear that they call to answer their questions with regard to the future,” he said.

The magus might then have used the engraving on the bowl to legitimize his supernatural powers by invoking the name of Christ, the scientists theorize.

Goddio said, “It is very probable that in Alexandria they were aware of the existence of Jesus” and of his associated legendary miracles, such as transforming water into wine, multiplying loaves of bread, conducting miraculous health cures, and the story of the resurrection itself.

While not discounting the Jesus Christ interpretation, other researchers have offered different possible interpretations for the engraving, which was made on the thin-walled ceramic bowl after it was fired, since slip was removed during the process.

Bert Smith, a professor of classical archaeology and art at Oxford University, suggests the engraving might be a dedication, or present, made by a certain “Chrestos” belonging to a possible religious association called Ogoistais.

Klaus Hallof, director of the Institute of Greek inscriptions at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy, added that if Smith’s interpretation proves valid, the word “Ogoistais” could then be connected to known religious groups that worshipped early Greek and Egyptian gods and goddesses, such as Hermes, Athena and Isis.

Hallof additionally pointed out that historians working at around, or just after, the time of the bowl, such as Strabon and Pausanias, refer to the god “Osogo” or “Ogoa,” so a variation of this might be what’s on the bowl. It is even possible that the bowl refers to both Jesus Christ and Osogo.

Fabre concluded, “It should be remembered that in Alexandria, paganism, Judaism and Christianity never evolved in isolation. All of these forms of religion (evolved) magical practices that seduced both the humble members of the population and the most well-off classes.”

“It was in Alexandria where new religious constructions were made to propose solutions to the problem of man, of God’s world,” he added. “Cults of Isis, mysteries of Mithra, and early Christianity bear witness to this.”

The bowl is currently on public display in the exhibit “Egypt’s Sunken Treasures” at the Matadero Cultural Center in Madrid, Spain, until November 15.

Ten Days of Awe, Ark of the Covenant Goddess & God Entwined

Ten Days of Awe

Yesterday was the first of the annual Ten Days of Awe, the Jewish New Year aka the High Holy Days, aka Rosh Hashanah…  You can just bet Yeshua and Magdalene honored this holy season every year.  It’s when the gates of heaven are said to be flung open and blessings rain down for ten days culminating with Yom Kippur when the gates go shut again. In the days of the Jerusalem Temples, the priests would open up the holy place and for a short time even roll up the curtain separating the most holy place, thus revealing to view the Ark of the Covenant with its God-and-Goddess entwined in the Shiva-Shakti sitting lovemaking posture.  Wow, that woulda shocked the populace 2000 years ago, eh?  Nah, not if you consider other cultures believed and honored sacred union, too. People were used to that kind of thing and only later did it become “heresy.”


Here’s an article on the Ten days of Awe and Jewish New Year


Here is something in my God Has a Wife! presentation about the sacred union “posture” of entwined Goddess-and-God on the Ark of the Covenant:   Click on the speaker symbol to hear me gab about it, and then click thru to the next few slides.


Sophia Feastday Today, one of 3



Hagia Sophia aka Maria-Sophia Mother of Humanity Mother of God
Hagia Sophia aka Maria-Sophia Mother of Humanity Mother of God

Today is one of three days that honor Sophia on traditional church calendars.  They can’t make up their minds as to which day is Sophia’s feastday.  Perhaps it comes from making her a Goddess of Christianity and then demoting her to “just a good woman” who became a saint.  Typical.  Harumph. (Sort of like they did to Mother Mary, demoted her to a mother of God, but not divine herself).


Part of the feastday confusion comes from the 17th of September becoming the 30th when the calendar was adjusted by 13 days.  Not all churches accepted the new calendar, so Sophia ended up with two feast days in September, plus the one in August connected to Mother Mary.  Very interesting. There are also two Christmases because of that disputed calendar adjustment ….the Dec 25 Christmas and Jan 7 “orthodox” Christmas.


In Her Sacramental Presence

Poet Wynn Manners is at it again.  Wow.

In Her Sacramental Presence

We are Living Temples
of Her Sacramental Presence.

What of this Silence — like
a shrine about us, within us?

Goddess introduced the Silence.

Silence is Her Gift to us —
that we commune with Her
& are enabled to know Her most deeply.

In Her Womb of Silence,
what music of the heart
sings our being *alive*?

How about the puissance of initiative?
From whence does it come, at the deepest level?

*Feel* Her *stirring* within —
setting free the creative flow.

What of consolation? Sophia is Who has consoled us
most in our intensest need, depression & desperation —

Her Voice whispering thru the Silences, Her Presence
a lifeline into a divinely compassionate rest & healing,
Her Spirit permeating thru every cell of our body.

“Joy Eternal!” sing the eternal voices
of the angels, themselves,
hymning praises to their Divine Mother.

When awesome things are forever sung
from human heart & woman tongue,

Her Presence is recognized as a beacon
that has shone-forth for all time:
no longer concealed, Wisdom’s Grace:
luminously revealed…

She is Everlasting Beauty…
& joyful are our communions in Her.

She is the Divine Consciousness Who exudes all being.

Sophia is a weaver & She weaves our heartbeats

together as a symphony *inside* Her own Cosmic Heart!

~~wynn manners

Josh Groban Sings like Jesus Christ might have

Josh Groban sings with the “voice” of Jesus Christ, telling the heavy-hearted he will lift them up, those in darkness he will shine brightly for them, those feeling lost, “I’ll be there to find you..”   Here, watch it on YouTube, the video is so poignant, so moving…   The simple but inspiring lyrics are posted below. (But you gotta watch the video!, so click on it already). If Jesus sang to his listeners one night by campfire on a hill in Galilee this is what he might have sung..

Don’t Give Up, You Are Loved by Josh Groban

You Are Loved (Don’t Give Up)

Don’t give up
It’s just the weight of the world
When your heart’s heavy I
I will lift it for you

Don’t give up
Because you want to be heard
If silence keeps you I

I will break it for you

Everybody wants to be understood
Well I can hear you

Everybody wants to be loved
Don’t give up

Because you are loved

Don’t give up
It’s just the hurt that you hide
When you’re lost inside I
I’ll be there to find you

Don’t give up
Because you want to burn bright
If darkness blinds you I
I will shine to guide you

Everybody wants to be understood
Well I can hear you

Everybody needs to be loved
Don’t give up

Because…you are loved

Don’t give up
It’s just the weight of the world

Don’t give up
Everyone needs to be loved

You are loved


Get the Album “Awake” from (which includes the song “You are Loved”)

God is only he / him, no hers. Also Jesus celibacy “doctrine”

Margaret Starbird writes on the GoddessChristians forum:

Yesterday I had an opportunity to attend an Episcopal Mass of the Resurrection (memorial service) for a friend. The Episcopal Mass is very similar to the Roman Catholic Mass for the Dead–with which I’m familiar. I recognized the hymns and knew some of them by heart.

But I couldn’t say the creed in its entirety, and I noticed the very exclusive use of “he,” “him,” and “his” in referring to God…..

Which reminds me of a lovely story my mother used to tell about a little girl who went to Mass with her parents and half-way through the service she tugged on her mother’s arm:  “Mommy, Mommy. I love the “hyms”….. but are there any “hers”?

I’m sure the service was very comforting to the family gathered there….. but I felt a bit as if I were in a museum…. I feel we’ve already moved to a more “life-affirming” place and the old prayers and vocabulary don’t seem to feed me anymore.

It’s a bit strange to look back and see how so many of my views have shifted in the past twenty years. I had to stop teaching CCD for Catholic children when I realized that I don’t believe in Purgatory….But just for the record, the Roman Catholic Church, while it has a doctrine of the Virgin Birth, does not have a doctrine about the celibacy of Jesus.

peace and light–Margaret

Lore Kemsley then wrote in:

Hi Margaret,

I am interested in this statement, because everything I’ve read states the RCC believes he was celibate. I’m guessing the key is in the word “doctrine,” but that’s only my surmising while feeling confused.

Here are references I found after reading your post:

Although most people are at some point in their lives called to the married state, the vocation of celibacy is explicitly advocated-as well as practiced-by both Jesus and Paul.

The theological concept of a celibate clergy is based on the Church’s belief in the example of the celibacy of Christ himself.

Theological foundations

Theologically, the Church teaches that priesthood is a ministry conformed to the life and work of Jesus Christ. Priests as sacramental ministers act in persona Christi, that is in the person of Christ. Thus the life of the priest conforms to the chastity of Christ himself. The sacrifice of married life for the “sake of the Kingdom” (Luke 18:28-30, Matthew 19:27-30; Mark 10:20-21), and to follow the example of Jesus Christ in being “married” to the Church, viewed by Catholicism and many Christian traditions as the “Bride of Christ”.

Scriptural foundations

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) in Salt of the Earth also explained that this practice is based on Jesus’ preaching on the eunuchs or celibates “for the sake of the kingdom of heaven” which links with God’s decision in the Old Testament to confer the priesthood to a specific tribe, that of Levi, and who unlike the other tribes did not receive from God any land – an essential need for one’s posterity as a wife and children are today – but had “God himself as its inheritance” (Numbers 1:48-53).

Loretta Kemsley  President

Women Artists and Writers International
Publisher of MOONDANCE: Celebrating Creative Women
Our vision, our wisdom, our strength

Margaret Starbird on Stay-at-home-Moms, Church fathers view of women

Margaret posted the following to our GoddessChristians forum on May 23, 2008 during a gender morality and gender roles discussion.

I, too, believe that we fail to consider the children–unto 7 generations, as the Native American grandmothers insist!…. Our materialistic world-view has caused women to abandon what was a sacred calling to nurture the children–and left the Television to be the “hand that rocks the cradle”–with obvious consequences! I’m for Fathers and Mothers sharing the responsibilities of nurturing as much as possible–but that balance isn’t always achieved. My husband and I were noticing the difference between our grown kids and those of some family members who left their kids for others to raise while both parents worked outside their home….

Western dualism causes a split that is hard to heal…. which is why my work is about the “Sacred Reunion” of masculine and feminine (“integration of Logos and Sophia”) as illustrated in the “marriage window” showing Jesus and Mary Magdalene “handfasted” (posted on my website: –please feel free to copy, print and disseminate! This image is on the cover and PR for the “Bloodline” Movie—and is travelling around the world)….

There is a fascinating article on the discrimination against women by the Church (and Western civilization) at this website:  — some of the negative statements of church Fathers quoted there make my hair stand on end:

Aristotle: “A female is female by virtue of certain lack of qualities – a natural defectiveness.”

St. Jerome:  “Women is the gate of the devil, the path of wickedness . . . a perilous object.”

Tertullian:  “Do you know that each of you women is an Eve? You are the gate of Hell, the temptress of the forbidden tree; you are the first deserter of Divine Law.”

St. Thomas Aquinas:  “If a female is conceived, this is due to a defect in the mother or to some external influence like that of a humid wind from the south.”

Kirkegaard:  “What a misfortune, to be a woman! And yet, the worst misfortune is not to understand what a misfortune it is.”–

That is why it is so important to “excavate” the real truth about the original teachings of Jesus. The article’s quote from the Gospel of Thomas that has Jesus saying with regard to Mary Magdalene “…I will make her male..” is a mistranslation of the Greek which uses the word “anthropos”– This word doesn’t mean “Male” in the sense of gender. It would be better translated:  “I will make her a ‘perfected human-being’ ” —

“… there shall yet be heard, the voice of the Bridegroom, the voice of the Bride!”

peace and well-being,


“Mary Magdalene, Bride in Exile”


Are you reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle?

Anybody reading Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose? I am.  I was hesitant to pick it up because of all the Oprah hype — made me wonder if it was pop-spirituality.  But then since I had read his previous book the Power of Now, decided to give it a chance. (I am such a spirituality snob).   Turns out A New Earth is a life-changing book — who needs to go see a counselor/therapist, who needs to sit at a guru’s feet, when you can read this book? <grin>  And talk about helping you relate to every other human in your circle: your significant other, kids, your parents, co-workers, friends… EVERYone.  This book is awesome.  My only complaint, and it’s a small one, is he makes the common mistake of exaggerating the numbers of those “killed by the Church”.  In one such instance in his Sacred Feminine section, Tolle writes “Three to five million women” were burned by the Inquisition.  In reality historians (even pagan historians) say it was only 50,000 over 400 years, many of whom were men (Charlemagne beheaded 4,500 Odin worshippers, no women), many of whom were not burned at the stake, and most of whom local towns / magistrates or kings killed, not church authorities. That’s a myth. But many authors make this error lately it seems — Dan Brown in The DaVinci Code is another — and since Tolle is a European probably “mad at the Church”, we can overlook these errors in his otherwise fantastic liberating book).  I just skipped over those paragraphs (very few) and kept devouring the spiritual hands-on life-altering peace-bringing teachings and techniques in A New Earth.

Tolle puts a lot of esoteric Christian correlations in his teaching such as why Jesus really said “Father forgive them, they know not what they do,” and the real meaning of “Blessed are the Meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (the new awakened earth), and Jesus didn’t say “be ye perfect,” but “Be ye whole…” Many deeper meanings opened up with “aha!” moments galore even for this ol’ diehard alternative Christian teacher.  I was just writing to one of our newly ordained ministers that A New Earth is an excellent book for using with one’s pastoral counseling clients. It helps one figure out life’s purpose, not just awaken to one’s own life’s purpose as the title suggests, but THE purpose of life and why we are here, etc. cosmic questions.

Not to mention this book makes a great Mother’s Day gift…. hee hee.  Sending one to my Mom and mother-in-law, too…

Anybody reading A New Earth or have you already read it?  Here’s a link to it for only $7.70 and you can read inside the book online before buying.


Cakes & Wine for the Queen of Heaven

Here is what I’m up to today — this evening I am hosting our second local Goddess Gathering at the Unitarian Universalist Church where we meet.  I am taking two Goddess books, titles below, as well as some statuettes of Goddess to adorn our altar.  We will have a beautiful ceramic pot of black dirt on a stand in front of the altar that everyone will have a chance to pour wine into.  And we will eat the rest of the Goddess Eucharist, raisin cakes (aka cookies).  The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) says the people poured libations into the earth for the Queen of Heaven and baked cakes for her.  The Bible specifically says they were raisin cakes.  Then we’ll look at Goddess slides in art and sculpture both modern and classical (and ancient) and discuss.  Oh — and sing a cool goddess song while watching a slide show.

Here are the beautiful Goddess books, be sure to click thru and see the many lavish illustrations here:

The Book of Goddesses: A Celebration of the Divine Feminine, by Kris Waldherr

The Lady of Ten Thousand Names, by Burleigh Muten, illustrated by Helen Cann

The second one is somewhat geared to younger readers, and my daughters do love it, but I also enjoy it immensely and have learned a lot.  Both are excellent coffee table books for your friends to peruse, guaranteed to jumpstart any conversation on Goddess in general.  I plan to pass them around tonight during our discussion of the Divine Feminine. We will focus on Magdalene, Sophia, Asherah, Mary — the Christian Goddesses, but I always like to tie in as many of the Goddesses of the world as possible, all manifestations of Her.

In Her Service,
