Spiritual Counseling needed for the End of the World

Mayan Doomsday has thousands spooked! I used to be one of them, but now I am thinking it’s gonna be okay. Hopefully my calm is not self-delusion. Look at how these poor souls are affected:

“An ancient Mayan prophecy suggests that December 21, 2012, is “doomsday.” The mainstream media fuels fears in the gullible, leading survivalists to hoard candles, bottled water and canned food as the date of the “apocalypse” approaches.

Children sob. Teenagers contemplate suicide. Cultists travel to a flat mountaintop in France, hoping that when the world collapses, alien spaceships from another galaxy will miraculously arrive at the rendezvous point. The French government sends in the military.”

Several of our ordained ministers who run their own churches or have healing practices have written in asking how to provide spiritual counseling to people like the ones described in the article quoted above, With mere days to ‘doomsday,’ scientists call for calm

Others want to become ordained today on the numerology balanced 12-12-12 because it is the last triad date we will have this century (no such thing as 13-13-2013.) Weren’t 3-3-3 and 7-7-7 cool triad dates? Look how they released an anti-christ movie back on triad date 6-6-6. Probably ticked off the Almighty and triggered the apocalypse…

A few new minister candidates have requested ordination on the actual date of Mayan Doomsday, aka the Winter Solstice, 12-21-12.  We ordain people every year on the equinoxes and solstices it seems — holidays with their release of spiritual energy are good days for ordination, also. But this Doomsday Solstice is a strange one…  Today also is a unique day on the calendar, actually. Some are saying the two dates form two cosmic “alignments” here at the end of the world(!) and a great Shift is about to take place in humanity’s consciousness.

Dunno, dunno. Just hoping TEOTWAWKI doesn’t happen and this 3 mile wide asteroid NASA says is buzzing earth right this minute doesn’t get any closer.
