A new Catholic priest in the Independent Sacramental Movement

Congratulations to Father Michael Clancy of Florida, ordained a priest with Apostolic Succession yesterday in front of his congregation. I am honored and blessed to be his bishop and look forward to working with him, Deacon Sue (pictured right) and their congregation.

From left to right Altar Server Aidan, Bishop Katia, Ordinand Michael, Deacon Sue

Alternative Christians get knocked down, but we get up again

Sometimes the esoteric, alternative Christian movement (of which we are a part) gets “hard pressed,” “persecuted” and even “struck down”. But as some early Christian writer said, be he Paul or someone claiming to be Paul(!):

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

It reminds me of that song, “I get knocked down, I get up again, ain’t never gonna keep me down.” I remember our boys jammin’ to that song from their carseats years ago. They would dance and sing along every time that song came on the radio.

And the Man from Galilee said in Matthew 24:9

“Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers.


And in John 16:33:  “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Can you see I am bucking myself up here? Hah. All is well with me and mine, don’t worry friends and family, I have just been reading about our persecuted siblings (inner Christians) and cousins (mainstream Christians) around the world.


Yeshua, Magdalene arrive Jerusalem Tonight

The Esoteric Easter Cycle began a couple of days ago when Yeshua and his band (family, friends, students) left on foot from Galilee in Northern Israel to make the 3-day walk to Jerusalem for Passover.

Walk along with them on our Esoteric Easter Cycle page, and discover the hidden meanings behind everything that happened that Spring so long ago. That one Spring holiday season changed the world forever. Whatever year it was, 30 A.D., 26 A.D., we re-enact it every year, don’t we? Re-birth after the long death of winter, the Spring Equinox, Easter with all its pagan fertility trappings, eggs and the cosmic origin of the universe — it’s all there in this ancient holiday.

This evening, the Saturday before Palm Sunday, the band of travelers from the North, led by the Man from Galilee, arrived in Jerusalem. Yeshua stopped to survey Jerusalem before them, seeing it with new eyes. And he mentioned chicks and eggs! Seriously… <grin> It’s right there in Matthew 23:37, well sort of:

“Jerusalem, O Jerusalem…how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings…”

Come walk with him, his family and friends, as they activate (this year with your help) the annual Esoteric Easter Cycle.

There’s nice artwork there to look at, also…


Abrahamic Religion Symbols: Stars, Moons – and an Execution Device

Judaism has a star for its symbol. Every time you see someone wearing that star around their neck, you know they are Jewish. Muslims have a star AND the crescent moon as their symbol, but I don’t know if they wear it as a pendant. What do Christians have? — an execution device. We wear crosses around our necks “so people know I am a Christian” I told my young daughter today. She frowned. I know, I know, it’s odd to wear an execution symbol, I added. Technically I doubt Jesus likes our choice of that symbol, he’d probably prefer the ancient fish symbol. But because of thousands of years tradition, wearing a cross is the only symbol we have to clearly designate our spiritual choice. Some people don’t feel a need to make an outward statement of their allegiance to their God/Goddess, but I am not one of them. I am stuck with this notion that my Creator, my Deity, deserves my courage to wear my beliefs on my sleeve (sorry for mixed metaphor).

My daughter paused and said, “I wish we had a star or something like that from the sky for our symbol, too.”

I said, “The Jews chose a star and the Muslims added the moon to that so they use a moon and a star. All that’s left for us to use is the sun.”  The sun, of course! I thought inside my head. How fitting since Christianity was long called a Solar Cult. How amazing the sun, moon and stars could basically sum up all three desert religions if Christians hadn’t obsessed over Yeshua’s death for our sins. On Winter Solstice I had just explained to this same daughter (ironically as she lay in her hospital bed) and later to the other two daughters how Jesus’s birthday is equated with the Sun’s annual “birthday.” This dark time of the year — she had noticed the sun going down “so early” out her hospital window — is when people all around the world look for the Return of the Light. Yeshua was called the Light of the World, etc. I didn’t go into the Sol Invictus stuff with Constantine and the details behind Jesus’ birthday change, the 12 Apostles being like the 12 houses of the Sun, nor the other evidence we are at least in part a solar religion.

We teach the solar nature of Christianity in our Mystery School with the help of books such as Jesus Christ, Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism. I am not sure if we also ask our seminarians pursuing Holy Orders to read that book.

If we started wearing suns around  our neck everyone would think we worshipped Apollo or Helios, though, eh? Hmmm, that reminds me: Helios is pronounced Elios with “El” — the same God-name used by ancient Hebrews and earliest Muslims (El and Al-ah). But don’t get me going on another tangent…it would be too much fun, I love this topic.


2012 According to Mayans End of Cycle God-Man Returns

One of our seminary graduates submitted the following intriguing insights on 2012 Mayan “Doomsday”. She hits upon all current theories regarding 2012 quickly and consisely. I think the reason certain Christians and Jews believed the Mayan Doomsday date would be the End of the World is because one of the few actual prophecies the Mayans wrote about 12-21-2012 was that a “God-Man will return to Earth.”  God-Human or Divine-Human might be a better translation. “God-Man” was obviously interpreted by Jews and Christians to mean “Messiah”, and his (her?) returning to earth. The 3 Abrahamic religions (including Islam) have equated the God-Man / Messiah’s arrival to the End of Days, to the Last Judgement. TEOTWAWKI.

I wonder if the Iranian messiah beliefs about the 12th Imam returning soon would be in line with this “god-man returning to Earth”?  Kinda freaky that so many traditions and religions teach a God-Human is about to return. Even the Hindus and Buddhists have a prophecy or two in their ancient writings such as the one in the Gita, “In every age I come back”, and the Tibetan one:

“When the iron bird flies and horses run on wheels, the people will be scattered like ants across the face of the earth.”

~ 8th century - Guru Padmasambhava

Now here is Melinda’s excellent summary [Note: She’s a Canadian, which explains the  reference made to the Canadian government in her paper]:




Submitted to Rt. Rev. Katia Romanoff, Ph.D.

Director, Senior Minister, Bishop

Thesis for:

The Esoteric Interfaith Church, Inc., and Interfaith Theological Seminary

In Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Ph.D. of Religious Studies




Submitted by Melinda Debergh, 2011 ©



Our world is experiencing “something” grotesquely out of balance, dramatical, and delirious. There is a lot of publicity these days about the Mayan calendar and for good reason because the media tells us it’s all about doomsday. Doomsday means disaster, anything manmade or by nature. That’s a scary word, and so is the word fear because it means a distressing and negative feeling caused by a perceived threat. What threat? Does the Mayan calendar really say we’re heading for doomsday December 21, 2012? Specifically, what is the truth about the Mayan calendar, is the prophecy for real, or is there a bigger picture?


The indigenous people of Mexico, the Maya culture, have similar beliefs like the Native American/Canadian Indian. Every living thing is sacred, especially Mother Earth and being one with the Universe. North America is their indigenous land and intellectual property. They would not threaten earth or people living on earth. Why would they? My intuition is telling me that the Mayan calendar is not a threat; “something” else is, so I did some research, included, as follows.


December 21, 2012, and the Mayan calendar was suggested as the topic of this paper. The best source of information is internet. There are a large amount of articles, scholar reports, and videos for this topic. I researched a lot of information looking for the articles and sources with documentation and scientific analysis because they would have the strongest validity. The research articles were then categorized into sub-topics of data to correlate with a thesis format. In some cases, I simplified the language.

Mayan Civilization

The Mayan civilization started 3113 BC in the region of Mexico, Yucatan Peninsula, and Central America. Very advanced with mathematics, astronomy, and the Universal Laws. The drawings of the solar system, the glyphs they did, were so accurate to be within a fraction difference to the cycles of the planets in the solar system. The Mayan Calendar records were written in journals they called codex. Life for the Maya civilization was prosperous and healthy. (wikipedia).

The First War

In 1492, Columbus invaded America, and brought war, disease, and brutality to the Maya people. They forced the Maya people to conform to Christian beliefs. In the article, Maya calendar, it says that the Spanish made many attempts to take over the Maya, and finally did in 1697 after having killed thousands of indigenous people. (Wikipedia). (Appendix 1: Chief Red Crow story). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7cylfQtkDg

The article, Mayan Prophecy 2012: Entering Our Galactic Day, says that man was always told that the codex were destroyed, but as they say about karma and time will tell all, we now know that the Spanish Church and its government lied and cheated. The History Channel Documentary, 2012 Aztecs and Mayans end 5th Cycle Prophecy, gives their interpretation of Mayan prophecies that correspond with our lifetime of political deceit.

There is no evidence to say that there was any other influence on the Maya civilization, in the article, What is Mayan Astrology. No significant outside influences altered Maya development until the arrival of the Spanish five hundred years ago. The effects of the Spanish invasion on the indigenous astrology are devastating. They were brought in to systematically eliminate as much of the traditional ways as possible, to be replaced by the Christian model. Diseases spread rapidly eliminating most anyone who was knowledgeable of the Maya astrological traditions.

The Vatican

Pope Gregory’s calendar, the Gregorian calendar, was out of sync with the seasons, but he didn’t know how to adjust it, so when Columbus told him about the Maya functioning relative to a Universal Law and of the codex, Pope told Columbus to bring the codex to him.

In the article, The Mayan Calendar & Roman Catholic Church Connection, Richard C. Hoagland says, “Who in their right mind is going to destroy information? They (Vatican) were looking for edges on society and politics and populations, and it’s all about control.” In 1582 a German scholar was set up by Pope Gregory to reform the Gregorian calendar. The seasons had gotten out of sequence with Easter and Christmas, and the resurrection of Christ, and all that, and during the Christian era, the calendar was adjusted so that DEC-25 of the year 1 BCE was believed to be the birthday of Jesus Christ. (religious tolerance), so Pope Gregory and the German mathematician made changes to the calendar, but when all was said and done (in the year 1583), they came out with a calendar that readjusted the dates, the seasons, and the times ahead by 11 days.

Hoagland goes on to say that there is no way that Pope Gregory’s mathematician could have adjusted the calendar to reflect December 21, 2012 unless they had the Mayan codex. The Gregorian had 11:11 am, universal time included, and this is no coincidence. The code 1111, is a code for the physics that we’ve decoded from the monuments of Mars, and the Pope’s mathematician had to have had an independent source of knowledge that was much more sophisticated. Yes, the Mayan.

Cliff High states in the same article with Hoagland, “The 11:11 am alignments on December 21, 2012 was deliberately created by Pope Gregory. They took a German mathematician, who assembled a team and then they used texts that theoretically do not exist. Many of the Mayan books that were said to have been burned weren’t burned, but crated up and taken back to the Vatican as part of the payoff for the expedition and the slicing of the planet between the Spanish and the Portuguese by the pope of that time.” It took the team of mathematicians 5 months to get the Gregorian calendar to align specifically with the end of the Mayan calendar with these particular numbers: 11:11, because 11 is the number of mastery, and the 11:11 combined gives 22 which is their number for sainthood, or ascension.

The Mayan Calendar

Greg Prescott describes the calendar in the article, December 21, 2012: Where’s the Doomsday Proof? that the Mayan calendar is based on the Maya’s advanced knowledge of the cosmos and mathematics. To this day, their calendar can predict every lunar eclipse with 30 seconds or so. On the day their calendar ends, the Earth and Sun are aligned with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, an event that only occurs once every 26,000 years. Also on that day, we go into what’s called the precession of the equinoxes  (Age of Aquarius – awakening), also an event that occurs once every 26,000 years. (Prescott).

The Mayan calendar is based on cycles of 5,125 years, so we’re not only at the end of one of these cycles; we’re also at the end of the 26,000-year cycle. The Mayan calendar is based on a system of base 20, rather then the base 10 decimal system we are using today. So to the Maya, 20 days (kin) equals a month (uinal); and 18 months (uinal) equals a year (tun). A year (tun), equals 360 days (kin). So, 20 years (tun) equals a Katun. A Katun equals 144,000 days (kin); and because of that, a Baktun is about 400 solar years (394.3 exactly). (usmonline).

The Mayans created several calendars, and the one that everybody’s talking about when they say Mayan Calendar December 21, 2012, is the long count calendar. The long count calendar describes the long-term rhythms of the universe. The Mayans see time like a river, and see changes in time as differences of tones, frequencies or even octaves, not just a hard measurement of something that never changes. It takes a long time for the calendar to go through one cycle. The shorter part is 5,000 years and the long part is 26,000 years, and this coincides with the galactic alignment that happens once every 26,000 years, and has 13 (moons) months, 360 days as opposed to the 365 days of the Gregorian calendar, and is more accurate than the 365 day Gregorian calendar. There was also a 584-day Venus cycle calendar that was used and maintained. Another Mayan calendar is an 819-day calendar that not much is known about because many of the records about it were destroyed. The Tzolkin calendar is a 260-day calendar with 20 specific days with specific names each month, of which there were 13 months (Wikipedia).

In the article, December 21, 2012: Where’s the Doomsday Proof? Greg Prescott questions where the proof is that something will happen?  If you look at the lineage of mankind, there have been jumps in our evolution. This should be a red flag to anyone who studies evolution. Because there were no recorded documents at the times of evolutionary change, people dismiss the possibility of DNA upgrades because there are no tangible records of empirical data to support the theory. So, that leads us to the scientific approach of explanations. We’re told to believe that God created the Earth in seven days. If the world is going to rely on empirical data, then isn’t it possible that the bible is fiction? Is it possible that God is a fallen angel? And where did the words “ascended masters” come from? Just because the church and the bible tells us it’s the truth, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the truth. Because humans (as far as we know) weren’t in existence (or at least writing about these events) 26,000 years ago, we have no proof of what will happen.
J. Eric Thompson also determined that the first day of the Mayan calendar was on 3114-AUG-11 BCE, in the article, Mayans also had a “Great Cycle of the Long Count” of 13 Baktuns or 5,125.36 years. There are many books written about 2012-DEC-21. This appears to be a hoax generated by a group of authors who have combined the end of the world scenario found in the Abraham religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) with the Mayan belief in a cyclical, repeating universe. According to records left by the Mayan the only event expected on that day is the return of a god-man to Earth. (Mayan Elder Speaks: Appendix 2). There are hundreds of glyphs that predict various other events happening after the end of 2012. And besides, already there are too many hands in the pot thinking they have interpreted the codex.

The Earth’s Polarity

The pole shift hypothesis says that there have been geologically rapid shifts in certain locations of the poles and the axis of rotation of the Earth, creating calamities such as floods and tectonic events. No form of the hypothesis is accepted amongst the general scientific community. There is evidence of precession and changes in axial tilt, but this change is on much longer time-scales and does not involve relative motion of the spin axis with respect to the planet. However, in what is known as true polar wander, the solid Earth can rotate with respect to a fixed spin axis. Research shows that during the last 200 million years a total true polar wander of some 30° has occurred, but that no super-rapid shifts in the Earth’s pole were found during this period. A characteristic rate of true polar wander is 1° per million years or less. (Wikipedia).

According to the article about NASA, 2012 – A Scientific Reality Check, there are no credible predictions for worrisome astronomical events in 2012 because of the Mayan calendar. The activity of the sun is cyclical with a period of roughly 11 years and the time of the next solar maximum is predicted to occur in the period 2010 – 2012. For eons, the Earth routinely experiences these periods of increased solar activity without worrisome effects. The Earth’s magnetic field and particles from the sun, does reverse polarity about every 400,000 years but there is no evidence that a reversal will begin in 2012. Even if a magnetic field reversal were to begin, that would not affect the Earth’s rotation nor would it affect the direction of the Earth’s rotation axis.

     The only gravitational tugs experienced by the Earth are due to the moon and sun. There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades, Earth will not cross the galactic plane in 2012, and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be unimportant. Each December the Earth and Sun align with the approximate center of the Milky Way Galaxy but that is a yearly event of no consequence. For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in 2012, the burden of proof is on the people making these claims. Where is the science? Where is the evidence? (NASA).

The Geological Survey of Canada measurement of the North Magnetic Pole says that it is moving northwestward. In 1996 it was at 78°35.7′N 104°11.9′W. In 2001 it was near Ellesmere Island in northern Canada at 81.3°N 110.8°W and in 2005 at 82.7°N 114.4°W, to the west of Ellesmere Island. It is moving toward Russia at between 34 and 37 mi (55-60 km) per year and if it maintains its present speed and direction it would reach Siberia in about 50 years. (Wikipedia). Every day, there’s an elliptical movement of the magnetic pole about 50 miles (80 kilometers) from its average center point. (world-mysteries).

Planetary Rhythms and Human Health

Gregg Braden, in The Earth’s “Heartbeat” and Zero Point, explains the Schumann Resonance (SR) as being Earth’s background base frequency, “heart beat,” of electromagnetic waves vibrating between the surface of Earth and the edge of the ionosphere, 55 kilometers up, during times of lightning activity, and vibrating at frequencies of 6 and 50 cycles per second. As long as Earth’s electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, the SR frequencies remain the same, but now we are seeing the earth’s “pulse” rate going up, and the strength of the magnetic field going down, because of the 11-year cycle of solar activity.

For thousands of years it has been at 7.8 cycles per second, and since 1980 shows a significant rise, and now it’s at about 12 cycles. It stops at 13 cycles (zero point). A Zero Point flip will allow us to go into the 4th dimension. Here, everything we think or desire will instantly manifest, including love and fear, so our intention will be very important. Most of our technology will not work, except for free energy. Our physical body will change as we approach Zero Point, our DNA being upgraded to 12 strand. A new light body is being created, and we are becoming more intuitive. The Mayan Calendar predicted all the changes that are occurring now. They say we are going beyond technology and back to the natural cycles of nature and the Universe. By 2012 we will have entered the 5th Dimension (after the flip to the 4th Dimension at Zero Point). Be prepared for changes that will bring in the new age of light as we are going beyond money and time where fear based concepts are totally dissolved. (Brayden).

Schumann Resonance

     In the article, The Schumann Resonances and Human Psychobiology, Lewis B. Hainsworth looked at the relationship of brain wave frequencies (Appendix 3) to the Schumann’s resonances (SR). Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are the bridge connecting solar system resonance and brain frequencies inside our DNA. Patterns of information are stored here, and all biological processes are a function of EMF interaction (Chakra, Appendix 4). So if we as electromagnetic human beings are not receiving, or resonating with an oscillator of identical resonant frequency, our biological situation will result in:  stress related health conditions, mental disturbance, antisocial behavior, psychosomatic conditions, neurological conditions, lowered immune system, abnormal cell development, cancer, birth defects, infertility, and an increase in drug addiction, alcoholism, and even suicide.

Our body has its own mechanism of neuropeptide (amino acids) positive thought neuro programming (Candice Pert) and every thought in the human mind/brain sends out an electromagnetic wave (EM) from the base of the heart that has a measurable effect upon the world that we’re living in (McCraty). In meditation, when waves of alpha and theta rhythms flow across the entire brain, a resonance with natural rhythm between the human and planet occur, which gives us the power to control our thoughts and send out powerful love thoughts that have a huge affect on the resonance (rhythm) of the planet (Brayden). This is measurable and valid. Our heart is about 100 times stronger electrically, and up to 5,000 times magnetically, compared to our brain. This is a very important piece of information. All matter is simply vibrating sound waves, and sound creates form. Each thought sends a powerful wave of information that shapes the world around us. Thoughts from our heart (love) give us an abundance of powerful energy compared to the fear laden thoughts that have been encoded into our brain for years. (Braden). This was measurably demonstrated on August 16, 1987, with the Harmonic Convergence.

Harmonic Convergence

The Harmonic Convergence (1987) began the 25-year count down to the end of the Mayan long count (2012) and the beginning of a new 5,125-year cycle. It correlates to an alignment of planets in our solar system (Wikipedia) similar to the prediction in the Maya calendar for December 21, 2012. In the article by J. Arguelles (Appendix 5), Harmonic Convergence represents the end of the cycle and the beginning of a new age of universal peace. A major shift is about to occur; a turning point in Earth’s collective karma, and the energy is powerful enough to change the global perspective of man from one of war to one of peace. Evils of the modern world, like war, materialism, violence, abuses, injustice, and oppression would end with the birth of the 6th Sun and the 5th Earth on December 21, 2012.


So if the Earth and ionosphere have been resonating at 7.8 for thousands of years, but now is way up almost to zero point, what on earth is the cause? Hainsworth and Becker (electromagnetic pollution expert) have been studying the relationship between brain wave rhythms and the spectrum of the natural earth extremely low frequency (ELF) signals. The electromagnetic pollution dangers don’t even compare to the threat of HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). HAARP sends violent pulsations into the Earth’s ionosphere and can destroy the electromagnetic shield of the planet and kill every living thing on earth. (Hainsworth).

In the article by Michael Chossudovsky (University of Ottawa), H.A.A.R.P. (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), also part of the (“Star Wars”) Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) is a weapon of mass destruction located in Gokoma, Alaska, that is capable of destroying this planet. It is a gigantic heater that can slice long incisions in the ionosphere (Bertell), and electromagnetic waves bounce back to earth and penetrate everything living and dead (Begich and Manning). In the article, Haarp: High-Frequency Vandalism in the Sky, Begich and Manning present validity of information backed by documents and research describing how HAARP could: boil the upper atmosphere; wipe out or specifically select communications in specific geographical locations; do earth penetrating tomography, spray electromagnetic waves (Chemtrails), change the weather, let loose electronic rain by sending out very low wave frequency; do mental manipulation on us using pulsed and harsh high frequencies making us function like bazombies, or much worse; they could short circuit the earth (Begich and Manning).

The New World Order

HAARP is part of the weapons arsenal of the (NWO) New World Order (Michael Chossudovsky) and the NWO is run by The Illuminati (Appendix 6) and goes back a long, long time in history. They share similar bloodline and call themselves ‘The Elite’, or ‘The Black Nobility’, and are in league with The Vatican, The Freemasons and other occult groups and secret societies. See who they are: http://www.masonicinfo.com/illuminati.htm . They could not have gotten where they are today without the help of their worldwide minions in the press (Ben Abraham: Appendix 7) and their goal is to create a one-world government (The New World Order which can be seen today in The United Nations and NATO) to control the world. (Illuminati News).

In the article from umsonline, The Illuminati New World Order (NWO) are secret societies behind the world’s governments, and the masses (you, me, us) are seen as chattels, animals to be controlled, manipulated, influenced, and used as they see fit. Our freedoms are gone and money is not what you think it is. It is fiat money, which means its value is dictated by the government, more specifically by the few private bankers who own the Federal Reserve Bank, and all the money, including the Bank of Canada (Kealey). Canada officials lie to create the illusion of democracy and sovereignty but who are criminally negligent with the North American Free Trade Agreement and the continuing actions of prominent Government officials. (Hicks). Canada is the largest and richest country in the world and we need to take our country back. (Kealey). All of this was designed this way on purpose by the NWO/Illuminati and affects every one of us on this planet. The economy is purposely devised to keep us in a situation where we must labor lots just to be able to meet basic needs (Sorrentino). World economies and paper currencies are set up for collapse purposely so that right about the time people start getting ahead, they lose everything. This trick was learned during the Roman era and utilized ever since by those in power, and keeps the master and the slave relationship going in the world while creating the illusion of freedom. (umsonline).

Data Analysis and Validity

Wikipedia has strong validity, provided their sources are unbiased. This site provides detailed information about the Mayan calendar, and the Gregorian calendar, with broad comparison of the two, regarding past and present culture, civilization, and politics. The law of time is explained and expands on the correlation of being in time with the universe and EMF, and in tune with the human body EMF. Wikipedia is a strong source for astrology, polar shift, EMF, Schumann’s Resonance, and position of the earth’s polarity. Validity is demonstrated when providing historical and present information of the New World Order and the Illuminati, and their mandate.

Hoagland and High give a valid common sense rationale when explaining the history of religion and politics. Prescott, usmonline, and Thompson explain the cycles of the universe, and how exact the Mayan calendar is to human existence on the planet Earth.  When compared to articles from other sources validity is measured. Youtube is another good source of information and with large amount of hits on the topic. The sites by Kealey and Hicks are Canadian sites that are updated on a daily basis.

There is a large amount of data and validity with the topic of HAARP because the authors have years of scientific research and documents to prove their data (Chossudovsky, Begich and Manning). Government sites demonstrate weak validity because some of them haven’t been updated since 2009 and say that there haven’t been any polar shifts and there isn’t anything to worry about (NASA), contrary to numerous alternative sites and articles.


The Mayan Calendar delivers a message of hope. It is not the end of the world, but the end of the cycle. A new cycle begins with a better way of doing things in rhythm, at a higher octave like “sweet music to my ears”, peaceful, and more compassionate. The Mayans say that this could be a beautiful passage or something chaotic. It depends on how humanity handles it. You have a part to play in this change because you are part of the mass consciousness of humanity. It takes a very large amount of people to make the future change. Change is an aspect of love, so if more of us support a gentle transition (love) rather than a rough one (fear), then the shift around 2012 is not going to be as dramatic, and the completion of the cycle, 2012, and the galactic synchronization, the true Harmonic Convergence will not be complete until 2013. The 26-year cycle has been the free will zone of choice and decision, now we have to choose between a new age of peace, or all-out destruction. The decision is to accept the knowledge of the error in time (Gregorian) and to return to natural time (Mayan) using the Thirteen Moon/28-Day calendar. (Arguelles).

In conclusion, only 1% of the human population is happy with how things are because they are the ones who are in power and have all the wealth. The other 99% of the population is fed up and tired of living with lack of abundance, poverty, and lack of opportunities. The Illuminati have manipulated and tricked us for many years in their government, their religion and their society. This is not a world of freedom, and that has to change now. Prophecies are just predictions so outcomes can be changed. Humanity wants things to change, and because humanity wants change, that is what must happen. It’s the Law of the Universe and what the mass consciousness wants, the mass consciousness gets. Are you ready to stop supporting a totalitarian New World Order and get our sovereignty back? Planet Earth is all that is. Are you ready to live life with heart and love, and fully embrace your humanity?


“Inter-Tribal Times” – October 1994



Indigenous Native American Prophecy.

Floyd Red Crow Westerman.

Time evolves and comes to a place where it renews again there first and purification time their renewal time. [Katia inserts: Maybe there is a typo in that first sentence, or maybe it’s just me, but I don’t get it.] We are getting very close to this time now. We were told that we would see America come and go because they forgot the lessons on how to live on earth. It’s the Maya and Hopi belief and it’s our belief that if you aren’t spirituality connected with earth and understand the spiritual reality of how to live on earth it’s likely you will not make it. Everything is coming to a time where prophecy and man’s ability to live on earth in a spiritual way will come to a crossroad of great problems. When Columbus came, that’s what we call the first world war the first true world war because along with him came everybody from Europe. By the end of the 2nd world war we were an America of 800,000. From 60 million to 800,000. We were almost exterminated here in America.

Everything is spiritual. Everything has a spirit. Everything is brought here by the creator the one creator, some people call him God, some people call him Buddha, etc. We call him Grandfather. We’re here on earth only a few winters then we go to the spirit world. The spirit world is more real than most of us believe. The Spirit world is everything.

Over 95% of our body is water and in order to stay healthy you’ve got to drink good water. When the Europeans first came here with Columbus we could drink out of any river. If the Europeans had of lived the Indian way when they came we’d still be drinking our water because water is sacred. The air is sacred.

Our DNA is made of the same DNA as the tree. The tree breathes what we exhale. When the tree exhales, we need what the tree exhales, so we have a common destiny with the tree. We are all from the earth and when the earth, water, air is corrupted then it will create its own reaction. Mother is reacting. With the Maya prophecy they say the storms and floods will become greater. To me it’s not a negative thing to know that there’ll be great changes. It’s not negative. It’s evolution. When you look at it as evolution, it’s time. Nothing stays the same. Learn how to plant something. Treat all things as spirit. Realize that we are one family. It’s never something like the end. Just like life, there’s never an end to life.

Chief Red Crow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7cylfQtkDg  


True Mayan Elder’s Prediction of 2012

To all my brothers and sisters who listen to this message.

First of all these words are not mine but words of my ancestors.

It is in the Mayan prophecy that in the time of the 12 Baktun and 13 Ahau, it is the return of the ancestors. It is the return of the men of wisdom.

Let the morning come. Let the dawn come.

So I am here with you giving you this message right now is not to be afraid and take this message and spread it to all the world.




Brain Wave Frequencies










Meditation. Chakras are energy vortexes that transmit energy between mind, body, and spirit in conjunction with the cosmic electromagnetic field.

Sit cross-legged posture. Back straight. Close your eyes, and take calming breaths.

Visualize the root (earth) chakra and the color red at the base of your spine as a glowing ball of spinning red light. Then do the remaining charkas:

Sacral (water) chakra and the color orange.

Navel (fire) chakra and the color yellow.

Heart (air) chakra and the color green

Throat (sound) chakra and the color blue

Third eye (light) chakra and the color indigo (mauve)

Crown (thought) chakra and the color violet (pink)


segment from Rinri Project Newsletter
by José Argüelles (unedited)


………First of all, the Harmonic Convergence refers to the entire 26-year
cycle from White Galactic Wizard to Yellow Galactic Seed, 1987-2013. The
conclusion of the Ninth Hell refers to the release of humanity into the
26-year time zone of free will, choice and decision in preparation for
the completion of the cycle, 2012, and the galactic synchronization,
2013. The full and true Harmonic Convergence will not be complete until
the Earth itself becomes the Galactic Seed, 2013. If the 26 years are
the free will zone of choice and decision, what are we to choose and
decide? The choice is the „…choice between a new age&Mac226; and all-out
destruction… The decision is to accept the knowledge of the error in
time (12:60) and to return to natural time (13:20) by means of the
Thirteen Moon/28-Day calendar.

In principle, the Harmonic Convergence refers to the converging of all
aspects of reality in a great, all-unifying harmony. The initial moment
of the Harmonic Convergence, dawn of August 16, 1987, Blue Electric
Eagle, was pure prophetic enactment of being harmonically converged.
This moment demonstrated that indeed, Harmonic Convergence was possible.
The wave of unconscious energy released through the collective psyche of
the species as a result of this moment of prophetic purity reached a
climax with the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of the Cold War.
Early 1990, the role of the Harmonic Convergence in this process was
echoed in the mass media as the question, Did the Harmonic Convergence
bring the world closer to peace? Before the question could be answered,
the next phase of the prophetic end time began to unfold. Rather than
determine how to make the choice to enter a genuine new age, the human
race defaulted to an absolute materialism. It was this collective turn
taken by the planetary leadership, now known as the G-7, that engendered
the apocalypse we are now witnessing. In this turn, the Harmonic
Convergence was forgotten, deleted as it were from the official public
texts of contemporary history. The stage was thus set for the next
revelation, the Telektonon of Pacal Votan.

In distinguishing the Seven Years of Prophecy, 1993-2000, Magnetic
Seed-Resonant Wizard years, the Telektonon of Pacal Votan makes an
absolutely clear analysis of the human condition at this time: unless
the human race forsakes the false time governed by the instruments of
the Gregorian Calendar and the mechanical clock by the year 2000, then
it will face its own destruction, biospheric collapse and hell on Earth.
But if, by the year 2000, it can make the decision to reject the
calendar of the false 12:60 time and adopt the perfect instrument of the
natural 13:20 time, the Thirteen Moon/28-Day calendar, then humanity
will be able to make the choice of entering a new age. For the new age,
so longed for, is actually only realizable as a new time. A new time can
only come about by the rejection of the instrument that holds in place
the hallucination of the old time, replacing it instead with an
instrument of such perfect harmony, that it has no history, but is truly

For this the messengers of time were sent to warn the world of the
meaning of the time, and to offer to the world the opportunity of
changing its course by changing its calendar. When the year 2000 rolled
around, humanity remained unmoved. The Gregorian calendar, the Vatican
and the G-7 were as strong as ever. The prophecy did not fail, but
humanity did. So beginning with the Blue Galactic Storm year, thirteen
years after the White Galactic Wizard year, humanity was placed in
judgment. The four-year cycle, 2000-2004, was declared as the prophetic
cycle of the Harrowing of Hell. For having failed to take seriously its
messengers and prophets of all times, humanity was now to pass en masse
through hell. Since the Galactic Storm year completed a Seed-Storm Year
Bundle begun in the fifth year of prophecy, the judgment was withheld
until the Solar Seed Year, the second year of the Harrowing of Hell, but
the first year of the next Seed-Storm Year Bundle. In the Telektonon
Prophecy, verse 120, section 19, it is declared, When the Lunar Moon
has overflowed its banks, the G-7 will be no more. So it was on the
20th day of the Lunar Moon (Blue Self-existing Monkey, Galactic
Signature of Karl Marx), the Tower of Babel, the World Trade Center was
struck a fatal blow, while the Pentagon, magical structure of the
priests of the Dark Lords of Time, built in Hell&Mac226;s Bottom, Arlington,
Virginia, during the ninth hell cycle, was mortally penetrated.

It is still the time of the Harmonic Convergence. The Harrowing of Hell
represents the last cycle of respite for humanity. By 2004, Blue Crystal
Storm, humanity must make the „…choice between a new age&Mac226; and all-out
destruction… when it will have the last opportunity to make the
decision of rejecting the old time and calendar, replacing it altogether
with the instrument of perfect harmony, the Thirteen Moon/28-Day
calendar. Only such a harmonic organizing principle, universally
accepted, can assure a time of harmony and the fulfillment of the
Harmonic Convergence………..



     New World Order Will Fail, Humanity Destined For Beautiful Future (unedited)

Don’t worry, the New World Order conspiracy is going away anyway, so it doesn’t need much attention because its days are numbered. The New World Order will give it the ol’ college try to remain in power and keep control, but they are dealing with forces that even they don’t understand and cannot override. There is no way to avert the plans of Godself, the natural cycles of the universe and consciousness itself, and the divine intention to pave the way for humanity’s continuing evolution into a more peaceful and benevolent future so that Godself can more easily self express through the experience of being human. The system that is in place now that holds that process back.

It is time for the old ways of being to go into the past as a distant memory that helps humanity learn from its mistakes and causes humanity to make better choices in the future. The mass consciousness has been manipulated and tricked into creating the reality it has created for itself by those who have positioned themselves in powerful places where they can manipulate the masses through government, religion and societal structure.

Now is a time for love, expressing compassion, and taking action to assist others in handling the challenges that are coming for humanity as it moves through this era of change and a challenge to shift its mass consciousness into creating something different for itself.

Don’t dwell on the darkness that the New World Order and all its folly represents. Yes, it is important to educate yourself about it, but don’t fixate on it or you will not have the time to prepare your consciousness, and maybe some practical matters too, before the time comes when humanity faces the reflection that it’s mass consciousness projection has created. You have more important things to do.

Simply educate yourself enough to know what it’s about so that you can assist others with handling the knowledge of it. We will give you the gist of the situation and the facts, and from there only the future can show what will unfold. You are not in danger from the New World Order if you are in aligned with the new paradigm that is coming. Humanity is destined for a far greater existence than the one that is planned by those who serve the old paradigm ways and have created this New World Order (NWO) plan.

Is The New World Order Conspiracy Real?

Yes, the Illuminati New World Order (NWO) conspiracy is for real. It is unfortunate, but true. It would be hard to believe that such an unsavory conspiracy that is so massive, so far reaching and so dark, has a strangle-hold on humanity’s very existence and its way of being.

If you are wondering if it can be true, read the quotes at the bottom of this page for the words from presidents and bankers themselves who profess its coming success and its reality. It has been a plan that has been in development for many generations, and the final chess moves are about to take place. These are the New World Order quotes from men who have been leading governments and economies for hundreds of years.

There are secret societies behind the world’s most powerful governments, and the masses are seen as “chattel,” animals to be controlled, manipulated, influenced, and used as they see fit. While you have enjoyed many freedoms in your life, you are not as free as you have thought you were, and the freedoms you have will be fully removed if the New World Order conspiracy has its way. It is not a conspiracy, really. It is an agenda that is put out in the open.


Honor Among Thieves

These leaders’ code of ethics is that they feel that they have to tell humanity what they are doing, and if the masses don’t understand or realize it, then they are free of the karma such wrong doings produce. What they have to do is trick humanity into creating these things for itself, and then there has been no interference with free will, the laws of duality have still been obeyed, and these people who serve darkness will be scott free of wrong doing. That’s the idea. Basically, they have to always tell the truth to the masses about what is going on, and if the masses don’t stop themselves from being misled, then it is humanity’s own fault that it created such a monstrous reality allowing those who would benefit from it to influence it into manifestation. This mass hypnosis is done through the media, news, religion, government and the economic situations.

There are many leaders especially in the United States and the European governments who have openly spoken about this plan for the world, in coded terms and not so coded terms. It has now come to the light of consciousness. These secret plans are not so secret anymore thanks to the internet and modern media. Again, feel free to read the words from the leaders themselves in the quotes below.

What Are the New World Order (NWO) Plans?

The New World Order is literally a take-over of human reality. This plan will cause humanity to devolve, not evolve. In order for humanity to evolve into higher consciousness levels of being, the New World Order and its creators must be removed from control of this reality. Human evolution has literally been held back by these secret rulers of the world for a long time now, and that time is coming to a close. influencing people and entities from positions of power over human reality and its very existence. Some people call it divine intervention. Where this assistance will come from, divine intervention or not, no one knows, but it will come if human consciousness decides it wants something different, en masse. That is all that humanity must do, and physical reality must rearrange itself to match what the mass consciousness is projecting. That is the law of the universe.

The idea of the New World Order is that there would be one world government, one world currency, and one world religion. It would be a system of total control and micro-managing of your reality. You would no longer be in charge of your own reality, even down to the point that you would have your future planned out for you by the government. That includes where you live, what you eat, what education you are allowed to pursue based on your genetics, your career path, whether you are allowed to reproduce and have children or not, and who you will be allowed to marry. These are some very dark endeavors, and in fact humans would no longer experience free thinking, free action, or freedom in their spiritual pursuits.

The New World Order is attempting to take advantage of a situation that is coming up in humanity’s future very soon and keep itself in power after the paradigm (belief) shift. Whether it happens around December 21, 2012 that the Mayan Calendar predicts has yet to be seen. The New World Order conspiracy knows (or plans to create them themselves) that impending cataclysms, celestial events, nuclear wars and plagues are going to happen so underground bunkers have been built, but only enough to house under 1 billion people. Most of the spots are for themselves, and there will be a few choice specimens of the human race chosen who are extremely smart scientifically and also the children they have already started to shape and influence as they grow up.

Of course, if you haven’t received your invitation to the underground bunkers you are not one of the people who have been selected to survive what is supposedly coming. Again, the cataclysms may be Earth changes or they may be man-made cataclysms, since the military establishments of the most powerful governments of the world do have the ability to create cataclysms through what is called HAARP technology, or at least the ability to make existing storms and disaster potentials greater. It is said that HAARP can trigger fault lines, volcanoes, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Here are the quotes about the New World Order:

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” – David Rockefeller

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.” – Abraham Lincoln, In a letter written to William Elkin

“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” – David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”David Rockefeller, Bilderberg Meeting, June 1991 Baden, Germany

“It is the system of nationalist individualism that has to go….We are living in the end of the sovereign states….In the great struggle to evoke a Westernized World Socialism, contemporary governments may vanish….Countless people…will hate the new world order….and will die protesting against it.”H.G. Wells, in his book, “The New World Order” 1940

“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, Time Magazine, July 20th, l992

“We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world.  All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands, because to impugn the sovereignty of the local nation states of the world is still a heresy for which a statesman or publicist can perhaps not quite be burned at the stake but certainly be ostracized or discredited.”  – International Affairs (journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, i.e. the British version of the Council on Foreign Relations) Nov 1931, “The Trend of International Affairs Since the War”

“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control…. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.” Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets.






     Yes, Satan is a real entity. Demons are organized and he is the leader. He is a spirit.
They betray society. The Illuminati seek out and recruit the gifted, especially those with spiritual gifts. Typically, they will approach the talented with offers of fame and fortune and promises of high rank within their organization.
Satan himself has been known to personally make his offer to certain individuals. He does not have horns or a pointy tail. He is handsome, incredibly intelligent and charming. He is the father of all lies.
Similarly, the New Testament records that Jesus had been approached by Satan and offered the kingdoms of the world, if he would bow and worship him. Jesus also alludes that they are organized with the statement “a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand”. This is a real experience, and few ever speak of it. They carefully place their intellectuals within universities. They teach not to educate, but to discredit morality and religion. They mislead youth by covering up or even falsifying science.
Some towns are dominated by Satanists; they are in city halls, police and fire departments. They are placed in the highest offices of politics, courtrooms and law, churches, medicine and psychology. They are not there to help. They are there to milk people of all the money they can, and close down any one who speaks out. They use ridicule and shame to detour people from truth. However, they have a weakness, they fear exposure and they quickly back away. The Illuminati and Satanism are not based upon trust, but upon the fear of exposure of crimes they have participated in. None trust each other. In fact members generally envy and hate each other.
Generational Satanists ritually sexually abuse their own young children, filmed, and should the victim step out of line, these films are used to blackmail them.
When a certain governor endorsed a presidential candidate that was not the Illuminati’s choice, his use of expensive prostitutes was exposed in the national press. His life and career were deservedly ruined. Corrupt law enforcement will drop the charges.
Today you can’t get anywhere in politics unless they have dirt on you, in order to keep you under control. The Illuminati could not have gotten where they are today without the help of their worldwide minions in the press. When their Babylonian economic system fails (which is very soon) they will be the first at each other’s throats. They may even instigate World War III as high-ranking members are in the U.S., Chinese and Russian governments. Therefore I suggest that all of you prepare quickly. Get enough food to last a year or more. We that refuse to lift the sword against our brothers will have to separate ourselves physically from the ensuring chaos for our mutual benefit and survival.
Demons can posses us if we allow them, and they want to stop your progress at all cost. Demons can operate on the physical plane as well. They can make things go bump in the night, cause physical injury and illness. They come in different sizes, shapes and strengths. A powerful one can literally cause a stone building to shake to its foundations.
But demons have power over us only if we allow them. We allow them by feeding them with our own fear, guilt, shame, rage, greed, lust, or hunger for power; though we may not always be conscious of it. The media, vulgar TV programs, arguments and fighting also attract them into our own homes. To those rare few that can see them, most demons are hideous and deformed non-human entities. Through Hollywood, (Satan’s propaganda machine), our culture is now reflecting the same ugliness in our entertainment and arts.
The use of mind-altering drugs and alcohol debilitates us and enables them to gain control over us. This is why so many heinous crimes are committed while under the influence. Promiscuity will open us up to their influences in addition to adding and sharing the “Karmic’ burden of each sexual partner. That is why the promiscuous heap huge problems into their lives and suffer multiple health and emotional problems and age faster than the rest of us.
Getting rid of demons is not that difficult. Firmly invoking the name of Higher Power and can send them away. But if you do so with fear or anger they stay and laugh at you, so send them away with Love, not Fear. They feed off of your fear or rage and become stronger. Some names of the Illuminati, and their family members: Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Queen of England, The Pope and the Vatican, Builderberg (European) group, Freemason.

Ben Abraham


Abraham, Ben. http://benabraham.com/html/description_of_the_illuminati.html

Alejandro, Don. Mayan says no doomsday. Mayan Elder Speaks.   http://in5d.com/mayan-elder-speaks.html

Arguello, Jose. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Arg%C3%Bcelles

Begich, N., & Manning, J. (1996). Haarp: High-Frequency Vandalism in the Sky. http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/HAARP.htm

Begich and Manning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLZcaItj70U

Bertell, R. HAARP.  http://www.copvcia.com/free/pandora/haarp.html

Braden, Greg. The Earth’s “Heartbeat” and Zero Point.  http://newconnexion.net/articles/index.cfm/2004/03/braden.html


Chief Red Crow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7cylfQtkDg

Chossudovsky, Michael. (University of Ottawa), HAARP, http://www.copvcia.com/free/pandora/haarp.html

Fagan, Myron. A Satanic Plot for a One World Government. The World Conspirators: The Illuminati. http://www.prolognet.qc.ca/clyde/illumin.htm

Fiat Money. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_money

Geological Survey of Canada. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geological_Survey_of_Canada

H.A.A.R.P. http://www.copvcia.com/free/pandora/haarp.html

Harmonic Convergence. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonic_Convergence

Hicks, Ron (Hicki). Democracy in Canada? The Secret Covenant of Canada. http://www.hickileaks.com/covenant.htm

History Channel Documentary. 2012 Aztecs and Mayans End 5th Cycle Prophecy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psmZ4LEIQCI

High, C. Interview.  http://maya12-21-2012.com/2012forum/index.php?topic=5588.0.

Hoagland, Richard. The Mayan Calendar & Roman Catholic Church Connection. http://www.in5d.com/december-21-2012-1111-mayan-calendar.html

Hoagland, R. http://www.projectcamelot.org/lang/en/richard_hoagland_interview_transcript_3_en.html

Kealey, Glen. (Ottawa). New World Order Corruption in the United States of Canada. http://www.scoreboard-canada.com/nwo-unitedstatesofcanada.htm

Illuminati. http://www.umsonline.org/2012/2012Pgs/NWO/NWO-New-World-Order-Conspiracy-Illuminati-freemason%20conspiracies.html

Indigenous People. http://www.indigenouspeople.net/mexnat2.htm

Mayan Prophecy 2012: Entering Our Galactic Day, (www.december212012.com)

Magnetic North Pole. http://www.world-mysteries.com

Maya calendar. Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_calendar

Mayan Astrology. What is Mayan Astrology. http://www.astrology.com/what-mayan-astrology/2-d-d-68655

NASA. 2012 – A Scientific Reality Check.  http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/yoemans20091110.html

New World Order. http://www.umsonline.org/2012/2012Pgs/NWO/Economy-economics-Federal-Reserve-money-world-usa-.html

North Magnetic Pole. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Magnetic_Pole

North Pole. http://gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/geomag/nmp/northpole_e.php

Penre, W. (2009) The Secret Order of the Illuminati
(A Brief History of the Shadow Government). http://www.illuminati-news.com/moriah.htm

Penre,Wes. Illuminati News. http://www.illuminati-news.com/shadow-gov.htm

Pert, Candace. http://www.rmaxinternational.com/forum/showthread.php?5339-Neuropeptides-The-Emotions-and-Bodymind-By-Candace-Pert

Polar Shift.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pole_shift_hypothesis

Prescott, Greg.  December 21, 2012: Where’s the Doomsday Proof? www.in5d.com

Prolognet. http://www.prolognet.qc.ca/clyde/illumin.htm

Religious Tolerance. http://www.religioustolerance.org

Sorrentino, Sheila. (2009). Health, Wellness, Illness, and Disability. In, Mosby’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker (2nd. Ed.). Elsevier Canada. P. 41 to 52.

Sorrentino, Sheila. (2009). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  In, Mosby’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker (2nd. Ed.). Elsevier Canada. P.69.

The Schumann Resonances and Human Psychobiology. http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t2079-the-schumann-resonances-and-human-psychobiology

University of Metaphysical Science. www.umsonline.org



Sophia’s Compendium: Judeo-Christian Mystery Teachings and World Esoterica

2012 is going to be a year of Wisdom for us here at the Esoteric Seminary and Ekklesia Epignostica. We’re about to add an encyclopedia-like compendium called something like Sophia’s Compendium: Judeo-Christian Mystery Teachings and World Esoterica.  There will be articles on everything from Western Mysteries, the Golden Dawn to mysticism, the Divine Feminine, esoterics of liturgy and the sacraments, Rosicrucian mysteries to the symbolism of pre-Abrahamic religions.

We toyed with other titles such as Sophia’s Whispers, and Encyclopedia of Esoterica, etc.  If you have an opinion, chime in!

As soon as it is up and open for visitors, I will come back here and link directly to Sophia’s Compendium.


P.S. Happy New Year!  You know, I hope 2012 isn’t Mayan Doomsday after all. I know people now say it means a “shift” not “the End.” But I was taught it means the End of the World back when I was a new student of esoterica in the early 1980’s.

Spiritual Consciousness, Violent Fundamentalism, Stages of Faith

Developing an Understanding of Spiritual Consciousness
by Erik Weaver (one of our frequent Gnostic Seminary contributors)

The subject of how we formulate our personal views of the world has been on my mind of late. The lens through which we see the world greatly effects how we choose to interact with others. And they with us, as colored by their own lenses. To the degree we better understand our own lens, and are able to imagine the world as seen through through the lenses of others, we should be better able to understand and communicate with others even when there seem to be great gulfs separating our respective world views.

My premise is that the forthcoming models provide a relatively simple yet useful means of categorizing and comparing different types of human interaction. The question of Fundamentalism prompted this exploration, but I believe the approach should lend itself to any number of “-isms.” While this line of thought rather naturally flows into ideas surrounding esoteric (inner) spirituality and introspection, I will restrict the subject matter of this post to exoteric topics which we may use as analytic tools.

Recognizing Levels of Spiritual Consciousness

I find Prof. Ron Miller offers me a useful way of thinking about spiritual perspectives in describing a four story building as representing our levels of consciousness. I think this model offers a good starting point for a lot of conversations, including trying to understand Fundamentalism. It is simple enough to easily keep in mind, its thresholds are well defined, yet despite its simplicity, I find it useful in organizing my thoughts. His four levels of consciousness are: basement, first floor, second floor, and roof top garden.

The lowest state of consciousness is the basement. Prof. Miller often refers to this as “tribal” thinking. Everything is 100% Right or 100% Wrong. When viewing the world in this way it is exceedingly easy to dehumanize others, and in extreme cases to even see them as Satan or some other embodiment of Evil Incarnate. From there it is quite a small step to embrace murdering them in the name of God. (Intolerance of others is maximized.)

Raising our consciousness to the first floor affords us greater perspective. This is largely a rational/intellectual lens through which we view the world. We begin to understand there are many ways of looking at the world and instead of a world of Black and White we begin to observe shades of gray between these extremes. The world becomes larger, inter-related, and increasingly complex. (Tolerance of others begins to replace intolerance.)

In raising our consciousness to the second floor we gain emotional empathy. The ability to feel in our heart as we imagine others might feel. We begin to walk in their shoes. This has an obvious effect upon us, because we now see each person as an individual, who like us, has feelings, and we begin to appreciate how our behaviors and actions effect others emotionally. One might say we begin to live in our heart, as well as in our head. (We begin to move from merely tolerating others, toward accepting them. A subtle yet important distinction.)

Finally, we come to the roof top garden. Few people spend much time here. This is said to be where we really see the world and all those in it as One. We no longer see enemies… how could we when all are One? This is the view offered to us by all great spiritual traditions.

Spiritual masters and “mystics” help us look within our own hearts to find an in-dwelling spark of the Divine (although there are differences of understanding as to what one should do with this insight). Perhaps most importantly, they teach this is equally true of everyone and everything around us. (Sincere appreciation of others increases, and ultimately is maximized.)

One may have noticed that I ended each “floor” of consciousness with a parenthetical statement. These comments outline another very simple way of seeing others. I use it to remind myself to be more open-hearted. In adapting it to a four-fold model I began with intolerance, but normally I only consider the three later stages: tolerance, acceptance, and appreciation.

First and foremost, I must “tolerate” others and their ways. I wish others to give me the privilege of thinking as I do, therefore I must pay others the same respect. To my mind, peacefully living with one another begins with (optimally, mutual) tolerance.

Over time, I find that I move from simply tolerating others to accepting their ways, even when they differ from my own, and even when I have no intention of adopting them. This may seem like a subtle distinction, but I think it is very important. In addition to opening my mind to others, I now open my heart to them, and I believe this is why shifting into this state of awareness is so powerful. I feel this offers better healing, both for myself and the other party, regardless of whether the feeling is reciprocated. Besides, we are all connected at a very deep level, anyway, right?

And finally, I may come to appreciate some aspects of previously alien views. Sometimes I feel that I discover another piece of the “Divine puzzle” allowing me deeper spiritual insight to my own search for the Divine. When this happens I have begun to learn from what I, at first, merely “tolerated.” I have to think this is healthy as it offers a grander view of both the physical world and my inner spiritual life. (Such is my goal at any rate.)

Framework for Understanding Discussions

By blending these two sets of “lenses” upon consciousness, I like to think I have a tool for achieving a better understanding of how others appear to be interacting with one another. And to the degree one better understands another person’s perspective, one should be better able to communicate/interact with them. The first three lines are arranged in a four column display. The last two lines are arranged as continuums of Communication and Violence, each of which is very important with regard to informing me of how effectively I may expect to interact with the person or group under investigation:


Basement….. First Floor…… Second Floor… Roof Garden

Tribal……. Rational/Mental.. Empathy/Heart.. All as One
Intolerance.. Tolerance…….. Acceptance….. Appreciation

None <————> Communication <———–> Oneness/Love
Maximum <————> Violence <————-> Minimum


The continuum of degrees of communication ranges from no communication taking place at the basement/tribal/intolerant end of the spectrum, to finding an increasing ability to communicate across the central areas, to moving toward sincere concern for others at the opposite end of this continuum; one might name this end of the spectrum Love.

Returning to Prof. Miller’s metaphor, we find that as one raises their consciousness higher, one has a wider, more understanding perspective of our interconnectedness with one another. From the roof top garden we see we are all One. So the “more evolved” views of the world inherently have greater flexibility and provide greater understanding than those restrained to lower floors. Whereas, from the basement, there is no outside view at all. For those in the basement there is no communication with the wider world… their eyes, and worse, their minds are closed.

This allows us to understand that violent persons trapped in tribal thinking are not Evil. They simply have a very limited scope of vision and are operating from a very limited level of consciousness. And it seems to be much more difficult to raise one’s actions above one’s level of consciousness, than to reach out to a less evolved level of consciousness from a higher one. However, if they are open to meaningful communication we may mitigate these negatives. But if they have no interest in communicating with us and in fact wish to harm or kill us, mitigation becomes increasingly difficult to impossible. Seen in this light, the continuums of violence and communication mutually limit and expand one another. Both are highly dynamic and I think we are amply rewarded by paying them due attention.


Stages of Faith

A more complex model for understanding our developmental stages of faith is presented by James W. Fowler in his book “Stages of Faith:

The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest for Meaning.” I have been working with his ideas too, in the hope they may allow me to better understand how I have come to view the world, and my place in it. To the degree I am successful in this, I believe I will be better able to understand others, thus enabling more effective communication with them. (This remains a work in progress.) Fowler presents six or seven stages of faith, depending upon whether one counts our earliest days of infancy, which I do, but I label it as zero, so as to keep to Fowler’s stage designations:


0. Infancy & Undifferentiated Faith

1. Intuitive-Projective Faith

2. Mythic-Literal Faith

3. Synthetic-Conventional Faith

4. Individuative-Reflective Faith

5. Conjunctive Faith

6. Universalizing Faith

Fowler argues that all normally healthy adults will progress to at least stage three. At this point one may adequately function in society so one may or may not mature beyond this. And as one might expect, a person generally matures to the average stage of faith of those who make up one’s world with relative ease.

I should also point out that in using the word faith Fowler is not limiting it’s meaning to faith in the Divine. He uses it in a broader sense. Faith is that which provides us meaning in life, be it God, baseball, or a larger bank account. This brings to mind Viktor Frankl’s work in developing logostherapy. Frankl emphasizes faith is not just something we believe in, but is that which provides deep meaning to our life… it is the very reason we exist.

The main difference I see between these two authors is that Fowler does include such seemingly trivial ideas as baseball and bank accounts as constituting one’s faith provided one organizes one’s life around it. Whereas, I believe Frankl would argue that this is a delusionary perspective; that when truly pressed for a reason to live another day, baseball and bank accounts pale. They lack sufficient depth to keep a person alive against all odds and reason. Frankl is a holocaust survivor. He has personal experiences none of us would wish to share, which profoundly inform his insights.

So the the way Fowler uses the word faith, it is not as weak as mere belief, nor does it require that it includes a depth of purpose and spiritual meaning that keeps one alive against all odds (although it does not preclude this, while it does preclude the weak form of belief).

I am not going to try to summarize Fowlers book in a few paragraphs. Instead, I will point out that the early stages appear to be rather simplistic and two dimensional. For example, God is an old guy with a beard living up in heaven. God’s behavior and rewards and punishments are seen as simple extensions of one’s own world view. One may pray to store up favors to be paid back during times of need, much like a spiritual savings account. Thinking is rigid: God is good; man is evil. (Which we may recognize as the black and white thinking of those living in Ron Miller’s basement.)


As one begins to develop more refined stages of faith, the literal God in the sky kind of thinking falls away. Spiritual concepts become less anthropomorphic, and more abstract. This makes it easier to work with the underlying ideas and symbols which form the building blocks of the simpler ideas surrounding one’s faith. One might say one begins to work with archetypal images. And as one continues their developmental progression, this allows one to compare and contrast an increasing number of archetypal images, from one’s own faith and those outside one’s faith. Eventually, one may even begin to incorporate archetypal images from other paradigms. And ultimately, one begins to correlate disparate paradigms and to appreciate the ocean of images shared within and across the entire human community/condition. (Which we might recognize as the roof top garden view, in which we are all really One.)

The reason I find these ideas useful, is there is little point in speaking to a stage three/basement dweller in terms of a universal Divine plan affording everyone equal access to spiritual Oneness. They cannot see that view from their perspective. This is not the same thing as saying they will never be able to share that perspective, but it is to say if one wishes to communicate meaningfully with them right now, one’s symbols and language will have to be modified accordingly.

In this way, I see what we frequently label Religious Fundamentalism as an early, undeveloped, and unrefined stage of consciousness/spirituality. They are living in the basement, with little to no view of the outside world. They may or may not have any interest in communicating with others, and they may or may not resort to violence to retain their (basement) view of the world, and/or attempt to force it upon others. Of these two continuums, communication is fairly harmless to others, because others have the option to largely ignore those who are vocally adamant and close minded. But should they resort to violence, this must be properly addressed by others. After all, it is pretty difficult to ignore someone who is trying to split your skull, and certainly dangerous to ignore them. The trick, of course, is in identifying what constitutes a proper response. Optimally, there will be more spiritually evolved members of their own group who take this upon themselves.


 X-Y-Z Plot of Violence, Communication, Consciousness 

I feel it is important we consider the Continuum of Violence more closely. Violence could alternately be labeled as intolerance. However I feel intolerance is already a form of violence; to my mind it is merely a subset within the category of violence. If we plot “Violence” along the vertical axis, “Communication” along the horizontal axis, and start each at zero we have something like the following graph (I think negative values make understanding this more difficult; so all values are positive, and rated as a percentage from 0% to 100%):

0,0    Communication    100%

With the continuums of Violence and Communication set up as opposing axes, we may begin plotting the “relative danger” of a given Fundamentalist position/group. I have plotted four points: A, B, C, and D.

Point A: This is at the extreme bottom-left of the graph. It represents zero communication, and zero violence. Because there is no violence it is mostly harmless. However, since it is totally lacking in communication, it is also of no practical value. To provoke growth it would seem we need some combination of friction to stir things up, combined with effective communication to discover a new equilibrium.


Point B: Moving vertically to the extreme upper-left corner of the graph, we find maximum violence with minimum communication. I would argue this represents the most dangerous extreme we face. Here the violence has reached murderous levels and there is no communication to mitigate this violence. This is the region of Holy Wars, Crusades, and the Salem Witch Trials. It is the worse world humans have to offer.

Point C: Moving along the upper limit of the graph to the far right, we come to the most dynamic region of the graph. Here we still find maximum violence, so it is terribly violent and murderous by nature, but we have some ability , or hope, to mitigate this because we also have maximum levels of communication. There is however no guarantee one will be able to effect positive communications sufficient to overcome the violent nature of this region. Therefore, this remains an incredibly dangerous and murderous region in which to find oneself.

Point D: Dropping now to the extreme bottom-right corner of the graph we find the most stable and I would imagine the most desirable region in which to live. Communication is maximized while violence is minimized. Here we find the greatest ability to communicate with one another, and with no fear of violent retribution for holding a difference in opinion. This is the peaceful, pluralistic region in which I would wish to live. It is my opinion the long term safety and continued growth of the human race requires our taking up residence in this region.

I should perhaps point out that when I use the term communication I imply dialog. Simply broadcasting one-way without listening to the other party does NOT constitute effective communication. Shouting down another person is merely another form of violence, and broadcasting in place of communication is a simply more mild form of this violence.


A logical extension of this two-dimensional graph, would be to create a three-dimensional graph with consciousness plotted along the new Z-axis. The levels of consciousness are Prof. Ron Miller’s four story building: basement (0%), first floor, second floor, and roof top garden (100%). I imagine this dimension as helping us to define the spiritual quality of the communication shown above. And as I am using the terms, I feel one may consider consciousness as being roughly equivalent with spirituality, and I believe it offers great healing vitality. My hope is that it trumps violence.


I believe we should find this to be a very useful tool for diagnosing a given situation, as it allows us to compare and contrast the mixture of violence, communication, and consciousness. Much like using X-Y-Z coordinates to describe our physical location in space (North-South; East-West; Up-Down), we can now describe some important qualities found in human interactions (using Violence; Communication; Consciousness as our value coordinates).

For example, if plot 90,0,20 describes a given person or group (meaning either the average value of the group as a whole, or that of the group’s leaders), I know they are 90% violent; 0% communicative; and 20% conscious (still using triable, 100%-right/100%-wrong thinking). This tells me they are incredibly dangerous, and effectively impossible to speak with because they have zero interest in communicating with others. In such cases, my options in dealing with a person/group of this kind will be severely limited. On the other hand, an 80,70,10 group will be much easier to deal with because we now have a fair ability to communicate with one another. They are still very violent, and their thinking is not very consciously evolved, but where there is meaningful two-way dialog there is hope of improving relations.

I can mentally refer to this X-Y-Z graph when dealing with others. As I better understand “where they are coming from” I can better modify my behavior and communication techniques to effect more productive communications. I should also be able to use this model to understand why I experience difficulty in working with another person or group, and modify my approach accordingly, or perhaps realize our ability to dialog is nearly zero.


Perhaps most importantly, I can use this to self-evaluate my own spiritual progress. I suspect as we mature in our first and second floor stages of development we begin to appreciate how we may cause a number of our own problems, which we previously only saw as something others did to us. As as we become co-conspirators in our life as opposed to innocent/powerless victims, we embrace the ability and responsibility to effect change in our own lives. This is a critical component in our development, social as well as spiritual. I feel certain if I honestly evaluated and plotted my own value coordinates throughout my life, I could plot my trajectory along this graph and gain insight to past (and hopefully future) experiences contributing to my spiritual development.


I think this pretty well sets the table for a discussion of Fundamentalism, at least as I see it. I do not think we have a chance of understanding Fundamentalism until we develop a useful model of various and sometimes competing ways of seeing the world. And we must remember we can only see that which lies at our own line-of-sight and below. My perspective is also limited by my elevation (degree of Spiritual/Consciousness development). Sometimes I think I can catch the scent of the flowers growing in the roof top garden, but I certainly do not share that vista. On the other hand, at least I know the garden is up there! 😉 heheh….


With blessings for peace and harmony,

Erik Weaver

Cannibalistic Jesus-Religion Ended Human Sacrifice, Aztecs, Slavery, etc

Tonight I helped my 13-year-old daughter compare the Aztecs to the Mayans. She is studying for a test in our homeschooling curriculum. Both the Aztecs and Mayans, though centuries apart were in Central America, had large cities, wealth, and accurate 365-day calendars. Both had nobles, warriors and priests. And both had slaves — lots of them. The Aztecs had human sacrifice.

Daily human sacrifices were made in major Aztec cities “to make the sun rise” each day. My daughter’s 8th grade history book says 10,000 people per year were sacrificed. I had no idea that many native Central American people had their hearts cut out by their own people, to be held aloft still beating at the top of one of those stone Temples. This was done in what is now Mexico from the 1300’s until the 1500’s when the Spanish conquerors put a stop to it (by killing and/or enslaving the killers). The Spanish killed the priestly class, or most of it, and any nobles who resisted them, and took control of the vast slave population. Ten or more surrounding tribes had helped the Spanish take over, so sick they were of their family members being collected by the Aztec theocracy government to feed the blood-thirsty savage gods of Tenochtitlan. The blood bath had been going on for centuries before the Spanish arrived.

Some writers today bemoan that 50,000 Aztecs were killed by the Spanish during the takeover. Those deaths were largely the Aztec army, priests and nobles who were benefiting from this perverse demented human-eating religion-government. We always here how evil those Spanish were, those white men from dastardly Europe, to “invade” and kill all those sweet, wise and noble natives. Yeah, right. Tens of thousands of native Central Americans fought under the Spanish officers’ leadership. There were only so many Spanish present. It was an overthrow of something evil and sick which had persisted for centuries. Yes, the Spanish wanted gold and glory out of it, and their own priests came in the wake of the take-over with the ultimate religion of human sacrifice: Christianity. The rest is history – Central and South America are earth’s current strongholds of Christianity, far more fanatically devoted to the Faith from Jerusalem than Europe, Greece and Turkey, the cradles of Christianity. They say the next Pope will probably be a South American.

Tangent: The news says 50,000 descendants of the Aztecs still living in the homeland (Mexico, in other words) have died very bloody deaths in the past few years in the drug wars. It’s almost as tho that ground down there is thirsty for blood. Gives one a creepy feeling that something supernatural is down there…somethin’ blood-thirsty and not-so-human. There have been positive supernatural events in Mexico and South America, too, as we know – Our Lady showed herself in Guadalupe and millions make pilgrimages across that ancient blood-thirsty land to see Her.

Some Catholic missionary-priests in the 1500s wrote that the native Mexicans (Aztecs who survived the takeover) embraced Christianity with unbridled zeal, almost a desperate grabbing on to it. The reason? Because they would be killed if they didn’t? Were the brown-frocked and black-frocked holy men from Europe converting them by the sword out in their sun-fried extremely remote villages? No. The people willingly, hurriedly, desperately converted because for ONCE, for once, they could embrace a religion that did not daily demand their children, their youth, to die meaningless deaths. The ultimate human sacrifice was paid when a god came to earth and was sacrificed instead of just a human. It happened in the land across the sea in the center of the earth, taught this Christianity. This sounded GREAT. Yes, they thought, we can get into this! And women even have souls. The women probably realized they were finally considered almost equal to men, which although they wouldn’t probably know it, is unlike every other religion on the planet. How cool is that?

The last human sacrifice took place in South America in 1974 and some wonder if that’s just the last one we know about. The victim was slain and his blood allowed to gush onto the ground in order to feed some angry god, said the village. They believed like their ancestors that the god would feed them back by blessing their crops that year. Ugh. We can’t get this out of our system. Think of India sacrificing wives, every single wife on her husband’s funeral pyre up until the British conquest.

Think of Perseus in Greek legend saving a human sacrifice victim – about to be “fed” to a monster-son of a god. Princess Andromeda was chosen as the offering after thousands of other virgins had failed to appease the monster. Human sacrifice was so very common to our ancestors.

There is evidence of human sacrifice in Northern Europe, even among the Druids where we just wish we didn’t have to talk about it. Bogs have been uncovered with the victims ceremonially bound. Ick. Freedom from the practice of human sacrifice is another reason why Christianity may have caught on so well. We are often told it caught on because women were treated equally at least spiritually, since just like the men, they would be eligible for “salvation”, “theosis”* – and souls. (*Theosis means the process of becoming divine and is practiced today in the Eastern Orthodox Churches of Greece, Russia, etc)

The ancient world of the Bible gives us angry gods like Molech who demanded babies and toddlers daily be thrown into their furnaces. Hebrew scholars teach a fascinating theory that because it gave up human sacrifice early, Judaism was different from all the other religions of the ancient Middle East. This is why Judaism survived, and the other nasty children-killing virgin-killing religions became history. The people GLADLY embrace “decent” life-friendly religions. Okay, Judaism has its flaws, oppressive patriarchy, sexism, misogyny, lack of the Sacred Feminine, etc., but those are social products of the ancient dog-eat-dog illiterate world and are far more palatable than giving up your kid to the sacrifice collectors! This is why Judaism became the Religion of the Book, changing the world forever and spawning the other two world religions, Christianity and Islam (the Koran has Jewish and Christian bible characters all thru it. Mohammed got his inspiration from both Judaism and Christianity, and all three are collectively called the Desert Religions.) The proof of Judaism changing the ancient practice once and for all is right in the Old Testament. The Hebrew god finally got sick of this human sacrifice crap and decided to send a message, a special message. The spot where the message was delivered is the current Temple Mount so fought over by Muslims and Jews. He told Abraham to offer his boy as a human sacrifice as was his “right” as a god to ask. But the whole exercise was to teach a substitution practice – I PREFER RAMS! said God. Just like the Cain and Abel story taught – give me roast beast, not vegetables, and don’t kill your brother, just give me an animal. Satisfy your blood lust by offering animals to me. It’s worth mentioning that the priests and their families would eat the sacrifices at the Temple and earlier at the Tabernacle – these animals were not just wasted as in Rome and Greece when bulls and large animals were slaughtered, although even in those places the meat was not always wasted. Animal sacrifice could be thought of as religious slaughtering of livestock for food. Butchers who were priests.

God’s instruction to offer him only animals and not humans is kind of esoteric, and even though the great Temples were built on the spot, people today, and possibly in Jesus’ time didn’t quite get that message. But Jesus’ story really spelled it out. This time a god was sacrificed. So no more humans necessary – no more animals either for that matter, since shortly after Jesus’ lifetime the animal sacrifices at the Jerusalem Temple ended once and for all. The kosher slaughterers still follow the rules for killing animals today, and they say certain ancient-sounding prayers when they kill the animals, but the large scale showy sacrifice to “appease” hungry gods and “pay” for sins/mistakes/offenses is no more.

We forget why our ancestors glommed on to the religion of the dying god. That whole “paid the price with his life for all of us” sounds like such a cliché to our ears. That’s ‘cause we weren’t there caught up in a world of blood-lusty perverted “clergy” coming into our towns and stealing our people on a regular basis. It was like paying a tax for the people in the Aztec cities and towns right up until the Spanish conquest.

Our DNA was there, even if “we” weren’t, so perhaps we can “know’ this (know with gnosis) liberating teaching and make it part of our ancestral heritage to be proud of. They were a violent perverted blood-lusty rapacious marauding sexist woman-abusing, child-abusing bunch of pigs, our ancestors, but by god they were the first to see the light and stop daily killing the weak for religious “sport”.

Wars still rage in battlefields and inner cities, but no blood-soaked stench-oozing altars sit in OUR town-squares. I can’t even imagine what it must have felt like to walk by the funeral burning grounds in India as a young woman, knowing that was where you would die someday. And die a very unpleasant manner, being burned alive. What the hell is the matter with some people/cultures? Don’t get me started on the Chinese and what they did to THEIR women. Heck, they kill their female babies today even before they are born. Sonograms to tell the sex of the child are illegal now in China in order to stop the crazy population imbalance where men and boys outnumber girls almost THREE to one. Most Chinese men will never marry now, due to their culture’s stupid hatred of females. At least they are no longer sacrificing girl-babies as much as they used to. And it was never done to feed angry gods, so China’s story shouldn’t probably be in this discussion. They weren’t feeding their gods or blood-lust, killing daughters is done merely to feed egos who think “a son” is the only kind of child capable of “fulfilling” honor (aka the human ego). Dishonoring themselves by killing innocents all to obtain family honor by having a son…

Christianity had a lot to offer thru history. It came with war and pestilence. The pestilence being European illnesses that wiped out American native peoples like the Chinese-born Bubonic Plague wiped out one third of Europe a hundred years previously. Christianity didn’t cause those wars and pestilences to spread – – human greed did. Priests came in the aftermath of conquest to spread Christianity with their fanatical zeal, but good for them. They saved thousands more natives and gave them something to believe in that was at least mildly fulfilling to the beleaguered short-life-spanned souls, and more than mildly (yes, wildly) liberating from the vile sacrifice practices of the ancestors.

I grow weary of the propaganda that European people once had slaves. YES. They sure did. Romans had millions of slaves, Greeks, even the Norse had a few. But the Western Humans were the first to free slaves. The 2% that owned them were finally overruled by the rest of the population and made to give up the vile practice. But it is still going on in Africa, Eastern Europe and India. Sex slavery and hard labor slavery are alive and well. So if you are ticked at European slave-owners, at George Washington and Thom Jefferson for owning slaves, go scream at their graves, disturb their rest. But they are dead people. Nobody owns slaves in this part of the world any more. Better to go and rail at the slave owners who are STILL buying and selling humans TODAY. Do something about slavery instead of guilt-tripping our teenagers with social studies textbooks that imply the west was the only segment of humanity to own slaves. Puh-leese. The practice came from the East and from Africa where TO THIS DAY they still sell their own people into slavery. Yes, in 2011 it is happening. And not just for sex slaves (the worse kind, imo) but for hard labor. Google it. See the faces of those forlorn African girls sold by their own fathers, uncles, aunts, into slavery to harsh masters and mistresses hundreds of miles away from their hometowns. They have to live in closets or dirt huts on their master’s property and work 18 hour days with not ONE day of school, not ONE kind word, and only one meal a day. Shut up about people 200 years, 300 years ago owning slaves. My ancestors were Europeans but none of them owned slaves. Slaveowners were only 2% of the population in the USA and Europe and they are ALL DEAD. it ended in the 1800’s. If you really hate slavery and are out to help free some, go on a crusade, on a mission, to help those crying out for your help. Africa , Pakistan and India are calling your name. Begging for you to give a damn and go and help. Don’t forget the sex brothels of Eastern Europe and the Far East, while you’re at it.

My daughter’s history book says yes, the Aztecs had slaves but the victims were mostly — it uses the apologetic vague weasel word “mostly” — criminals and prisoners of war. I have to say criminals make sucky slaves. They kill you and or your family in your sleep, kill other slaves, fight, batter, burn crops and barns, cause mayhem, dissension in the ranks, are impossible to keep a lid on, impossible to get quality work out of. The criminal mind cannot be governed, ruled, it’s in its genetics from childhood to be first oppositional, and then to be criminal. Just ask the kindergarten teachers of future criminals. It’s in the DNA, sadly. So nope, criminals were not slaves, unless you mean a few one-time offenders who should not be called criminals in the first place. Maybe a few hardened “real” criminals have worked successfully for a short time in chain-gangs, but only in chains can you get a criminal to work. Chain-gangs are short-lived – it’s hard on the body – with high turnover due to death and not much profit possible. The slave-minders are so worn out from flogging and chaining and getting them to work, that they say to hell with this and get me some docile obedient personalities to enslave or I will do this work myself. It’s easier on the overseer. Most slaves were (and still are) normal people stolen or sold from other villages and tribes. Prisoners of War says the textbook – as if that makes it okay. Yeah, they fought a war with their neighbors those Aztecs during the 200 years of their empire, so making slaves of the POWs and their entire families/villages is acceptable.

Man am I glad to be born in the West. The West is definitely Best, as the saying goes. Or at least we can say the West is the luckiest. Sheesh. Christianity has its failings, its many sins, and its lackings such as God-the-Mother and the Bride of Christ, but it kinda beats the competition hands down. I follow the esoteric versions of the Faith, but I am glad for the existence over the years of our exoteric Christian cousins. Even if you are a misogynist lot we’re hoping to reform, you are no longer a violent lot.

Back to my original reason for writing/blogging tonight. It came to me while helping Tia with her Aztec assignment that maybe Yeshua had one more reason to submit to death. He allowed his death to be turned into a public “human sacrifice” because he knew it could turn into an excuse to stop human sacrifice (and animal sacrifice was stopped by early Christians) the world over. He could have died of old age after coming to earth as a human to deliver the amazing news, the awesome message that we are all part of a Plan for Freedom. He knew when he was born of a woman he would die like everyone else, because bodies do that. He could have insisted on a calm private death. But he went along with Satan’s plan and turned his arrest and execution into a good thing. I bet the Evil One hates how the Good does that, turns such a victory for the Darkside into a liberating doctrine for millions of humans. Not only did Yeshua offer up himself in exchange for letting his students and family go free – and to keep them all from being killed while authorities searched for him – but he gave the world a story, an excuse, to free millions and millions of people from the horrors of the culture of human sacrifice. His death was 1500 years before the Aztecs (modern Mexicans) would grab onto Christianity in a desperate attempt (which turned out to be successful) to escape the vengeful daily murdering state religion of their ancestors. Others before the Aztecs found liberation in Christianity, even some of those supposedly converted by the sword.

I am reminded of the book What’s So Great About Christianity, but its author Dinesh D’Souza didn’t ponder Yeshua’s possible inner decision-making process on what might become of his life, what religion might be founded out of his decision to be viciously executed. Yeshua decided to be like Isaac on the Temple Mount, or rather be like the ram in the thicket. His story (or Paul’s interpretation and spread of it!) created an excuse to stop ritual murder. It created a rather gruesome-themed religion, true. All those life-sized and neck pendant blood-dripping crucifixes adorned with his corpse creep me out. Children are not fond of them either. Christianity is “blood-thirsty” when the people eat the god daily, and drink his blood during the eucharist. We eat god instead of the god eating the people.

Hey, this dying-god cannibalistic religion put an end to human sacrifice and offers more than a little satisfaction to a billion people. Even the Chinese are grabbing onto Christianity with a fervor not seen since Roman times. Chinese pastors are this very decade, this very year, being beheaded for passing out Bibles in China or simply for having “unauthorized” churches meet in their houses.

There must be something to Christianity that satisfies so much among persecuted populations. Something is there at the heart of it, a mystery…

So there, say I, to the Christian-bashers, and don’t get me started on the Jew-bashers. Y’all need to go find the real enemy.

10-23-2011 3:33 a.m.

Dream Interpretation: Deceased father shows up at wedding

I lost my Father in February to a massive heart-attack. I was at my Mother’s visiting with her and we were talking about different memories we had with my Dad. I was wearing a very bright blue shirt that day. I had a dream that night and we were at my wedding, my Father had already passed on and we were still waiting for him to show up. My Dad was alive for my wedding, which made this dream all the more strange to me. I was standing at the altar and all of a sudden my Father was there and he was wearing the same color shirt that I had on that day and he walked over to me, put his arms around me and told me he loved me. I then woke up and sat up in my bed. I do not remember my dreams very often but, this one seemed so real it had me quite shaken. I very vividly remember the shirt he had on and realized that it was the same color I had worn that day. I would be very curious to know what your feelings are about this dream.

P.S. I think it may be important for you to know that I had been estranged from my parents for the last nine years.
Sincerely, Michael

Wearing of the same shirt symbolizes something quite profound: that your Dad is still alive, he is alivein you. Children are the immortality of their parents, and genetically speaking we *are* our parents, grandparents, ancestors. He is “one” with you. Your dream also reminds me of the famous Bible verse, “I and the Father are one.” The wedding means a huge family milestone, a new stage of existence, and above all a union. You say for nine years you had been estranged from your parents but then had a reunion – reunited–  and your father passed away earlier this year. I believe he came to you from the Beyond in order to deliver a  very important message to you — reassurance that he loves you — because your separation of nine years was so long, he wanted to be sure you knew things were still good between the two of you. And he brought the symbolic message that he is still alive in you – his DNA is singing in your veins and every cell. Feel his presence. Your subconscious certainly senses his presence and therefore helped you “connect” with him and “receive” that message. Very awesome dream!

Thank you very much for your input, one of the questions I am always asking myself, is if my Father still loved me…so I hope your interpretation is correct. I hope he knows that I have never stopped loving him. My sister told me he would always drive by my house hoping to see me and talk to me, and I remember seeing him several times but, he never stopped, I guess stubbornness is something he and I have in common, as I used to do the same thing. I am his oldest and we are very much alike. What you say about the wearing of the same color shirt, makes sense to me. I originally thought that he was letting me know that he was watching over me by letting me know that he knew what I was wearing that day. I have to be honest, I was never a big believer in dream interpretation and the paranormal but, this dream has had me re-thinking that logic. My wife is a big fan of yours and has two of your books and I used to tease her about it…whenever I had a dream that I could remember, she would look up the keywords and try to interpret it for me and I would not take it very seriously.

Divine Mother God new blog

Check out the new blog Divine Mother God of my long-time pal and "soul-sister" Madria Pamela+ 


“Ye that are weary with the world, ye that are lonely, ye that have suffered hardship, that have suffered hurt, come, gather about Me and be enfolded in My mantle. —The Sacred Myths and Rites of the Madrians The Sacred, edited by Philip P. Jackson. The Mantle verse 1.

It’s hard to describe the beauty and the personal meaning of the liturgy in this era where so many churches have drastically changed their manner of worship in order to suit modern sensibilities. Some see these changes as good. Others do not…

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