May 24 – Day of the Three Maries (special to Mary Magdalene and Grail Christianity)
Margaret Starbird writes: On May 24th, the feast day of Saint Sarah — the dark refugee child known as “Sarah Kali” celebrated at Les Stes. –Maries de-la-Mer– I’ll celebrate by doing an interview about Mary Magdalene and reclaiming the Lost Bride of the Christian story…. Here is a link to the program, you can listen to the archive.
– Celebration of the Tao, Mother of the World (Chinese, Japanese)
May 26 – Festival of Diana begins (ends 31st) (ancient Roman holiday)
– Dakinis’ Day – Day Tantric Buddhists make offerings to Mother Tantra; day to unite will and power to manifest positive social change and environmental healing.
May 30 – Frigg’s Day, Northern Goddess, spouse of Odin (Teutonic “heathen” European pre-Christian holiday)
– Feast of the Queen of the Underworld Begins (Roman)
– Feast of the Queen of Heaven (European)
Stella Maris “Star of the Sea” an ancient title of Goddess and Mother Mary, our Christian Goddess
May 31 – Feast of the Triple Goddess – Marking the transformation of the Virgin into the Mother.
– Feast of Stella Maris – Venus, (and Asherah) as Star of the Sea. Mother Mary was later given the title Stella Maris
Movable Holiday: 2nd Sunday in May. Mother’s Day – Day to give love and thanks to all mothers; day for mothers to celebrate motherhood and contemplate their sacred duty to provide for the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs of their children.
May 13 – Roman Garland Day, Offering garlands to Neptune.
– Month of Hawthorn, Celtic festival of the tree.
– Our Lady of Fatima Day (Portugal)
May 14-16 Feast of Divine Love and Compassion – Source of healing and beneficence, honoring Goddess as Isis (Old Egyptian), Oshun (Yoruba/Santeria), Lakshmi (Hindu).
May 14 – Isis Day in ancient Egypt
May 15 – Cold Sophie (German)
– Festival of Vesta (Roman)
– Maia and Mercury’s Day (Roman)
May 17 – Dea Dia (Roman)
May 18 – Celtic Feast of Old Greek God Pan – Who represents the masculine in Nature and protects men throughout their lives. Men recognized the transitions in their lives and honored male fertility.
May 19 – Old Celtic Feast of Brigid – In which sacred healing wells and springs were adorned with flowers in honor of Goddess Brigid, daughter of Mother Goddess Danu and Father God Dagda.
May 20 – Mjollnir (Germanic, Teutonic, heathen)
May 21 – Dark/Bright Mother Goddesses Day – Kali / Parvati and Hecate / Demeter.
– Plato’s Birthday
May 22 – Ragnar Lodbrok’s day (Norse Heathen)
May 23 – Semik (Russian)
May 24 – Day of the Three Maries (significant to Mary Magdalene and Grail Christianity)
Significantly, the article states “The text maintains a vision similar to Islam, contradicting the New Testament’s teachings of Christianity. Jesus also foresees the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, who would found Islam 700 years later.” It also states “It is believed that, during the Council of Nicea, the Catholic Church hand-picked the gospels that form the Bible as we know it today; omitting the Gospel of Barnabas (among many others) in favor of the four canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Many biblical texts have begun to surface over time, including those of the Dead Sea and Gnostic Gospels; but this book especially, seems to worry the Vatican.”
This is what the Assyrian International News Agency (an organization I have not vetted) had to say: “Muslims, liberal and secular organizations have portrayed this discovery as something that undermines Christianity, ignoring the many problems with this book and presenting it as virtual fact. In fact, in their zeal to support the anti-Christian narrative, they have withheld or suppressed information questioning the authenticity of this book. For these organizations and individuals, this is another tool in their arsenal for the attack on the foundations of Christian doctrine.”
At one time, I just ignored posts such as the first one referenced, but now I respond to these posts with facts. For example: the statement, along with many others in the article, that “during the Council of Nicea, the Catholic Church hand-picked the gospels that form the Bible” indicates the poster is ignorant of basic historical facts.
Because so many people believe much of what they read on the internet, there will be many more of these high search result propaganda articles. Hopefully, accurate responses will rank higher in the search engines.
A primary mission of the modern Templars is responding to such posts in an accurate and factual manner.
Here are the ancient alternative holy days for May’s first twelve days.
May 9 thru 12 looks rather freaky… At Christmas many families put candles in the window in order to encourage this very event. Looks like our ancient forbears believed their dead returned home during the second week of May.
Pharoah holding the shepherd’s crook of rulership, called the heqa. Modern bishops of the church carry the same staff
Today, May 6, is Shepherd’s Day, a day for Shepherd gods many of which pre-date Jesus by millennia – Osiris, Shiva, Dumuzi / Tammuz (pictured below right). The Shepherd’s crook can be seen in ancient tombs held by Pharoahs — it was the mark of the god Osiris and also the staff of office for a Pharoah. A Christian bishop to this day must carry a Shepherd’s crook as proof of their high office. Pastor is a term for both ordained ministers and priests that means “shepherd.” May 6 Shepherds Day is an ancient holiday. See below…
May 1 – May Day (European holy day)
– Babylonian Celebration of Asherah, also Called the Queen of Heaven. Asherah is in the Bible. She was Yahweh-God’s wife. Women in the Old Testament actually complain to the corrupt ruling priesthood how bad life became after Hebrew women stopped “baking cakes” for Asherah. (This can be found in the Bible)
Sumerian Goddess Inanna and God Dumuzi one of the earliest Sacred Marriage bride and bridegroom couples
May 2 – Elena’s Day (Welsh)
– St. Helen’s Day (British)
May 4 – Celtic Festival of Cerridwen and Brigit – Corn Goddesses of fertility, healing, and poets.
– St. Monica’s Day (Irish)
– Veneration of the Thorn (Irish)
– Festival of Sheila Na Gig (Irish)
May 6 – Shepherd’s Day – Day to meditate on Deity as Lord of Animals and God as a Shepherd King: Dumuzi (Old Sumerian), Osiris (Egyptian), Pan (Old Greek), Shiva Pasupati (Hindu).
The Sumerian god Dumuzi was also spelled Tammuz. Sumeria was current-day Iraq, and near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers where the Garden of Eden supposedly stood. Tammuz’s initial was considered very sacred. The letter T, later called the Tau, was said to be “God’s mark” placed on the foreheads of the Hebrews in one of the Old Testament Bible stories. God told his prophet to make sure all his people got the Tau drawn on their forehead with oil or ash so they would be saved when an invading army came.
Another story in the Hebrew Bible has the priests aggravated because the women are carrying out an annual weeping ceremony for Tammuz / Dumuzi on the steps of the Temple! Maybe Mother Mary knew about that ancient “pagan” ceremony, it is said she was one of the temple “workers” aka priestesses. Then again, we know all the Divine Feminine elements were suppressed by Jesus aka Yeshua’s time, but the people of course still remembered them.
May 6 – is also Eyvind Kelve Day, a Norse / Viking saint’s day. Eyvind Kelve was a martyr for his faith, refusing to give up his old norse beliefs, put to death by a Christian-pagan King on this day (May 6) in 965 A.D.
LEMURIA May 9 thru 12, or by some reckoning May 9, 11, and 13 (only the odd days) Lemuria or Lemuralia was a Roman festival when the spirits of the dead are thought to revisit their homes. You should place bowls of beans out or sprinkle beans around the house to make sure the ghosts don’t turn malevolent. Vestal Virgin priestesses would make a special salted wheat cake for the people to use on this day as an offering to their dead.
Mother Mary as a Moon Goddess and Queen of Heaven riding the moon holding her divine son, God of Humanity
May 9 – Greek Feast of Artemis. Diana is her Roman name, she was very important moon Goddess to the ancients and many of her attributes — the moon at her feet, etc. — were later given to Mary, the Goddess of Christianity. Mary is also called the Queen of Heaven like Asherah mentioned above and like Inanna pictured above with Dumuzi. When Christianity was still new and still quite pagan, Jewish and gnostic, priests were asked who was the mother of Mary? It isn’t listed in the Bible. They told them, her name was Anna — from In’Anna, the ancient Mesopotamian Goddess.
It’s May Eve, (April 30 also called Valpurgisnacht) the night when European children (especially in Germanic and Celtic countries) open their windows a crack to allow the fairies to come in and rest.
Why do the fairies need to rest? Because they are flying around (some on brooms?!) battling the forces of darkness, chasing away the last vestiges of “dark” powers of non-growth aka winter and the cold half of the year. On May Day the warm half of the year begins. At last.
Six months later to the day we always have another such battle when the “mean” fairies aka witches kinda win the sky battle. That would be Halloween of course.
If a fairy takes rest on your windowsill (because you left your window open for her) she will leave you a coin. It’s like the tooth fairy, you see, both are old Germanic traditions.
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