April 14 – Norse Festival of Sommarsblot. The sommarsblót is a salutation of the rising of the sun over the darkness, in a ceremony that marks the beginning of the second half of the year.
The festival to welcome Summer. The Norse calendar was divided simply in two seasons: summer and winter. At the time around the Christian Easter, which similarly is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, this holiday is also called the Summer Finding, and may be celebrated as early as March 23. It is the day the light of the sun overpowers the darkness. – http://secondsightresearch.tripod.com/bodyandsoul/id19.html
April 15 – Celtic Tree Month of Willow begins
– Feast of Tellus Mater (Roman)
– Festival of Ba’ast, Feast of Bast (Egyptian cat goddess)
April 16 – St. Padarn’s Day (Celtic)
– Feast of St. George (Byzantine)
April 15-17 Feast of the Seas – Honoring God-Goddess as Olokun-Yemaya (Yoruba/Santeria) and Okeanos-Tethys (Old Greek).
April 18 – Thargelia (Greek)
-Rava Navami (Hindu)
April 22 Earth Day – Day to honor the Earth and to meditate on Deity manifesting as Mother Earth
– Festival of Isthar (Babylonian)
– Feast of the Divine Couple (Japanese)
– Feast of Elaphebolia (Greek)
– Odin’s Day – Norse festival.
April 23 – European Festival of the Green Man, Spirit of Vegetation and Forests
– Sigurd’s Day (Germanic)
April 25 – Holy Prophet Mani’s Day (he was born on this day in the 3rd century A.D.) Manichaeans were his followers, predecessors of modern gnostics
– Spring Festivals – Dedicated to Herne, Pan, Horned God.
Roman Robligalia – Corn Mothers (Ceres and Demeter) and Harvest.
Arbor Day – Day to honor trees, to plant trees, and to meditate on Deity manifesting as trees, such as Goddesses Helice/Willow (Greek) and Yggdrasill/Ash (Norse).
April 30 – Walpurgisnacht (Germanic)
– Floralia Ends (Roman)
– Beltane Begins at Sundown (Celtic, Wiccan)
– Salus
– St. Sophia’s Day
April 30 – May 2 Old Norse Feast.
Beltaine – Celtic festival marking the arrival of summer in ancient times.