Tag Archives: Christo-Pagan

The Red Tent – Dinah, Daughter of Jacob & Leah, Pagan Roots of Judaism

The Red Tent, Pagan Roots of Judaism Christo-Pagan women of the Bible
Dinah, Daughter of Jacob & Leah

The Red Tent — one of the books used in our Mystery School studies since 2001 — has become a TV movie.

It airs this Sunday night on Lifetime Television — (channel 108 on Dish TV).  We just set our DVR to record it.  I wonder if it will mirror the book nicely.  The trailer was awesome.

I also wonder if they will correctly pronounce the name of Dinah, the lead character (pictured right).  In ancient Hebrew it would be “DEE-nah”.

Some portions of the book I didn’t agree with, such as the way Rebecca and Laban were portrayed. But the overall story of the book, highlighting as it does the pagan roots of Judaism (and thus of Christianity) is very gripping.

I hope some of you Mystery School members will watch it with me. The TV movie will probably become available on Amazon streaming video and Netflix in 2015, so if you miss it the first time it airs, you can always watch it elsewhere in future.

End of September Holidays Holy Days for Alternative Christianity & its Pagan Influences

Sep 26 thru Oct 5 Navaratri, Hindu Festival of the Great Goddess
 Huge holiday in India when Goddess destroys evil and restores cosmic order. Coincides with the end of the deadly rainy aka flood season, so you can see how this holiday made sense over the centuries — especially this year! The 2014 flood season in India and Pakistan was much worse and more deadly than normal.

Asherah the Mother God and Tree of Life in Mesopotamia and the Levant
Asherah was called the Tree of Life in ancient Mesopotamia, the tree symbol in the center is a flowering Asherah “Pole”

Sep 27, Day of the Willows,
The Day of the Willow Trees, that beautiful feminine tree. Mesopotamian Festival of Astarte and / or Asherah.  Mesopotamia which is Iraq and Syria, surely could use their ancient Mother-God now. They have forgotten Her completely, and thus the rampant oppression, enslavement and murderous abuse of females is still taking place. They treat males they disagree with also murderously — another sign of having no Heavenly Mother. I heard that ISIL is so afraid of women that they run from them on the battlefield believing if killed by a woman, they will not go to heaven.  Mother God and the Daughters-of-God are in great need in Mesopotamia.

Sep 29, Michaelmas, one of the oldest Christo-pagan holy days

Sep 30, Feast day of Saint Sophia, mother of Faith, Hope & Charity, saintly version of Goddess of Wisdom. Alternative feastdays for her are August 15 or 17, see previous Calendar entries in our Holy Days section.


Oct 2 – Druid Feast of the Guardian Spirits

Oct 4 – St. Francis of Assisi Day, one of the most “pagan” and “alternative” of the Christian saints, he coined terms, “brother sun, sister moon”, and honored the covenant between humans and the animal kingdom. His mother was said to be a Cathar heretic who secretly practiced Catharism and may have taught it to him.