Did Jesus Exist – was he Historical or Just a Myth?

Roman Historican Tactitus' Book ANNALS
TACIT CONFIRMATION. Roman historian Tacitus’s last major work, Annals, mentions a “Christus” who was executed by Pontius Pilate and from whom the Christians derived their name

Did Jesus Exist?, asks this article. This is an age-old question that people are still asking — and arguing vehemently over. The mythicists say Jesus never existed, was made up, but the historicists say he was an historical figure, yes indeed. Everyone makes it an either / or argument, but as I have said here before it is so wonderful to turn it into a both / and belief. Jesus existed historically and was also part of and fulfilment of ancient mythology. He fulfilled the dying / resurrecting fertility myth and became a perfect archetype of it. BOTH / AND you argumentive people. Try it out. You’ll love it. (smile)

+Katia Romanoff