She who dwells within; Slide 64


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Shekinah = Glory

Kallah = Bride

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Our Lady of Wisdom, Shekinah Kallah

By Christina Miller, used by permission.  Visit Christina Miller’s website and order some of her gorgeous art:

Shekinah and Sophia are both called, “She who dwells within,” because she wants to be here…to dwell among us.  “She-who-dwells-within,” brings to mind Jesus’ motto, the Kingdom of Heaven is within.

Mystical Judaism of the Middle Ages taught that men and women in the marriage bed could actually help rejoin the exiled Shekinah to her heavenly Spouse.  The idea is AS BELOW, so ABOVE.  We can actually help redeem ourselves and the world. 

AND we help restore to god his wife whom he is no doubt languishing without!
We’re useful.  So you know what you gotta do when you go home.  Grab your partner and get to work on mending the Universe!

This is Shekinah, the Kallah.  Shekinah is called “glory,” dwelling place, and most significantly, Kallah, meaning simply, “the bride.”


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